Chapter 2: A moment with the stars

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And there's nothing under these bright stars

That could bring this night to ruin

- Matt Wertz

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"I can't believe we met Tom 'Spider-Man' Holland and he got us into this party!" Jayna breathed as she led us to the bar.

"I think he took pity on us. Plus, we were kinda blocking his way," I remarked. My eyes darted around the dimly lit space. It was packed with people, but I couldn't make out any faces in the absence of good lighting. Was I trying to look for Tom Holland and his twinkling brown eyes? The truth was .. I didn't know.

"I'd like a Cosmopolitan," Jayna said to the bartender. "Gin and tonic for you, Ali?"

"Bingo." Jayna knew how predictable my taste in alcoholic drinks were.

"Do you see Leo anywhere?" Jayna asked hopefully.

"Not yet. But Jays, even if you do see him, you're not going to ambush him and shove your phone camera in his face.. Right?"

The thing is, Jayna runs a YouTube channel where she reviews the latest movies and series. Her specialty? Predicting if a major character will die, or not. You can imagine all the fun she had with Game of Thrones right up till season 8. But now that Game of Thrones has ended, Jayna was toying with new hooks for her channel – and '10 seconds, 5 questions with a star' is topping the list right now.

Jayna shrugged as she sipped her glass of pinkish-red liquid. "If the opportunity comes up..."

"Jays, you are so going to get us kicked out of this place," I declared.

"I wouldn't mind doing a quickie with Tom Holland either – a quickie interview, of course."

I had to laugh. "Of course."

"Anyways, A-listers and Hall of Famers aren't going to come looking for us, so let's hit the dancefloor to find them."

A few seconds later, we were in the middle of the pulsing music and waves of strobe lights. I thought I spotted someone from The Real Housewives of New York City, but Jayna wasn't interested in that.

We had been dancing for about 15 minutes when Jayna said, "Ooh I think Lili Reinhart just walked in! Let me see if I can catch her. Be right back, okay?"

I watched as Jayna made her way to a slim blonde girl in a shimmering sequined blue dress and silently wished her luck. I decided to get another drink and walked over to the bar.

After getting my second glass of gin and tonic, I continued walking. I found a door that led to what I was craving for – peace and quiet.

I was standing in the uncovered viewing deck of the rooftop lounge and there was no one else around.

Or so I thought.

I spotted him just as he turned to the sound of my footsteps. There was no way I could avoid saying something. So I said, "Umm, hi."

"Hi." Tom Holland took a closer look at me. "We've met, haven't we? At the entrance earlier on."

I nodded. I saw that Tom was holding a bottle of beer in his hand, so I raised my own glass and said, "Cheers."

Tom smiled and brought his beer upwards in an imaginary clink with my glass. "Cheers."

I wasn't sure if he wanted his privacy. He probably did.

I took a step back, fully intending to return inside, when he spoke, "Don't feel like you have to leave, by the way. I'm just enjoying the view."

I hesitated for a moment, but told myself not to be ridiculous and went to join him as he gazed out into the night. The city lights winked at us like bright stars that held a million years' worth of untold secrets. It was just past midnight but the streets were still buzzing with life. It felt like a night where anything was possible.

Minutes passed without us saying a word. It should've been awkward, but somehow it wasn't. At one point, I snuck a sideways peek at Tom. His lips still showed a slight smile, but his eyes seemed – sad? Or maybe I was imagining it.

"How are you enjoying the party so far?" He finally broke the silence.

"It's, umm, fun," I replied as I sipped my glass. "The bartender makes one hell of a good gin and tonic, if nothing else."

"So that's the highlight of your night," Tom said, amused.

Apart from finding myself next to a movie star on the rooftop just staring at the night view, you mean? I was tempted to say.

Instead, I responded, "Hey, I take my G&T seriously. And so does the Buckley the bartender, I'm happy to report."

"You're even on a first name basis with him. That's impressive."

I laughed. "No. He just looks like a Buckley to me, so that's what I'm going to call him."

"Really? And what do I look like?"

I paused to think. "Umm, a Leroy."

He let out a huge laugh. "What? Are you serious?"

"Or a Trevor."

"That's mildly better, I suppose." He straightened up his sports jacket and extended his hand to me. "Trevor McGeek, pleased to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Trevor," I played along, shaking his hand. "Hmm, so what do I look like?"

He furrowed his brows a little before saying, "In all honesty? I'd say an Alison."

My eyes widened. "No way. No freaking way."


"You're messing with me, right? How did you find out my name? Did Jayna mention it at the entrance while we were –"

"Hold on, hold on, hold on. You're saying your name actually is Alison?"

"Well, I usually go by Ali, but yeah.. That's what it says on my birth cert. Alison Kinloch."

"Kinloch?" Those brown eyes were fixed fully on my face, and I had to fight this crazy urge to look away. Why should I be afraid of looking at Tom Holland right in the eye, right?

"Yeah, my dad had some Scottish blood..." I trailed off, not really wanting to go into detail about my father – or my family, for that matter. "Anyway, it's not as weird of a family name as McGeek, McGeek." I nodded at him.

He shrugged. "We can't all have cool surnames."

"Like Holland?" I couldn't resist.

That twinkle in his eyes again. "Hey, let's go back in and dance.. If you don't mind being seen with Trevor McGeek, that is."

✔️ Midnight Sparks『 T.H. 』✧・゚:*Where stories live. Discover now