Chapter 8: That hesitation

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Let's be hopeful, don't get broken

And stay caught up in the moment

- James Bay

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It didn't take long for Hank to arrive in a black SUV with windows tinted as dark as the cup of Americano I had this morning. I climbed into the back seats, followed by Tom.

"Hey, Hank," Tom greeted our driver.

Knowing that Jayna was getting worried, I typed a quick reply to her.

[Me:] Sorry for not replying! Tom and I took a walk after the movie. About to head home. Tell you everything later k

Hank waved hello from the front. "Where to, Tom? Your hotel?" he asked.

"Uhh." Tom looked at me. "Ali, I'm thinking I should come along with Hank as he sends you home."

My eyes widened. "What? No, that's crazy. Just get Hank to drop you back at your hotel first."

"It's just that it's so late now and it's your first time riding with Hank –"

"It's perfectly fine, really," I insisted. "You would be taking a four-hour ride in total for nothing. And the sights on the way to Warren aren't anything breathtaking, I can assure you."

Tom still looked unconvinced. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Thanks for the thoughtful gesture though," I said with a smile.

Tom smiled back, then said, "Okay, Hank. Hotel first, then to Ali's place in Warren, please."

"You got it."

"Thanks, Hank." Tom leaned against his seat comfortably, then spoke to me, "Hey, what did you think about Harrison and Jayna earlier tonight?"

I chuckled. "What did you think?"

"The way they were tossing flirtatious words back and forth, it was like a tennis match. Jayna is definitely Harrison's type. I wouldn't be surprised if he asks her out one day."

"Jayna is everyone's type," I said – not with envy but with pride, of course. "She can get along with just about anyone, and she's so fun to be with. Guys just can't help falling for her."

"She is very bubbly and chatty, yeah," Tom replied with a nod.

I couldn't help wondering... Was Jayna his type as well? I honestly wouldn't be surprised. But then, there was no way in hell I'd ever ask him.

Tom cleared his throat. "But I think some guys would prefer girls who are less.. extroverted."

I was staring out of the window but his remark made me turn and look at him. "Really?" I didn't bother masking my doubt.

Tom laughed. "Don't get me wrong. I know that Jayna is your best friend and she's an incredibly lovely girl to hang out with and all. But I can imagine her operating at 120% energy level all the time. I'm personally not sure if I'd be able to keep up."

"So your girlfriend is more of an introvert then?" I ventured a guess. All of a sudden, my mind flashed back to the memory of the stunning Giselle Bundchen-lookalike woman who had whisked Tom off to somewhere else on the first night we met. Was that his girlfriend? The kind of pace that he could keep up with?

Tom seemed a little surprised by my question. "Well, I don't have a girlfriend right now, but yeah. I think it's nice when you can be with someone and have these moments when neither of you are talking but it's still – enough. And comfortable."

✔️ Midnight Sparks『 T.H. 』✧・゚:*Where stories live. Discover now