Chapter 12: Defying the odds

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Just give me a sign, there's an end with a beginning

To the quiet chaos driving me back

- Snow Patrol

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"So that was one heck of a dinner," Owen observed with a grin.

A month had passed, and for our fifth date, Owen had taken me back to the Spanish restaurant where we had our first date. We'd loved the food and friendly service and was always talking about returning. Tonight was the night.

"Yeah. You didn't have to go through all that trouble just to impress me, you know," I teased.

"Oh, but I knew that a dinner date wouldn't be complete for you until you witnessed a marriage proposal at the restaurant."

"Absolutely." I laughed. "You gotta admit though, the guy's speech as he got down on one knee was top notch tear-jerking stuff. I was totally getting misty-eyed all the way with his girlfriend."

Owen laughed along. "You're really cute, Ali."

I was not expecting that, but I recovered quickly enough. "Thanks. You're not too bad yourself."

In response, Owen flashed that shy smile of his. I did mean what I say – he was cute. He was wearing his glasses today, which made him look extra adorable.

And it was endearing, the way he did everything in this gentle, thoughtful manner. Like when he bent down to pick up my scarf that had dropped onto the floor while we were digging into our dinner. And when he took my heavy bookbag from me as we exited the restaurant.

We were now talking a stroll in the direction of my apartment. Owen had offered to walk me home, and I was still contemplating if I should invite him in. Was it too soon? Would he want to come in? Would I want him to want to? Would he be disappointed if I were to just hug him good night and ask him to get home safe?

Questions, questions.

"Something the guy said – I can't forget it," Owen spoke.


"He was saying how there were so many ways to be happy in life, but all he needed was her." Owen shrugged. "It struck me how true it was. We go on with our lives every day, being immersed in whatever we think gives us joy, and we tell ourselves that it's fine. That it's good enough. But then one day, you meet someone special and you truly learn what happiness is."

"Yeah, that was the vibe I got from them," I agreed. "They were soulmates through and through for sure. Almost like they were both merely living half-lives until they found each other."

"So you believe in soulmates?" Owen asked.

"I think they exist and some people are lucky enough to meet their soulmate..."

"And for yourself?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "I don't exactly have the biggest social circle around, so what are the odds of bumping into that one person who's meant for me, right?"

"Who knows. Some things are capable of defying the odds."

"Possibly," I said softly.

Talking about soulmates and the odds of meeting them has triggered in me certain memories that I'd rather not visit at this point. I had to quickly dismiss thoughts that questioned the odds of crossing paths with someone at a random party who ended up being such an important part of my world. Because I wasn't sure if I was prepared for the answer.

Besides, it was all in the past now.

His name no longer appeared on my phone. Gone were the days when we'd start texting random things and end up maintaining a stream of texts between us. It was my doing – specifically, my lackluster short replies that were sometimes sent only a day or two later. I cited various excuses. Studies. Work. Owen.

Eventually, I stopped hearing from him.

Exactly how I planned it. But the victory felt hollow. There was nothing to celebrate. What I'd done was just a necessary pain to go through to prevent future pain that could be much, much worse.

Wherever you are right now, I hope you're happy, Trev. Every day. I wouldn't wish for anything less for you.

I had come to terms with what I would never have. I wasn't bitter. I was no longer sad. Quite the opposite, in fact. Owen had lit up my life and I was grateful to have him, even though we hadn't decided to make things between us official just yet.

Owen touched my shoulder. "Ali? Are you okay?"

"Umm yeah, I'm fine. Sorry I zoned out for a bit there." I smiled, a little self-conscious.

"You can open up to me, you know," Owen told me gently. "I mean, it doesn't have to be right here in this very instant.. But just know that I'm always here for you. Whenever you're ready. Whenever you're able to... trust me."

My smile widened. "Thanks, Owen. That means a lot to me. I guess it's just been a long day. But I'm glad I get to spend the last – and best – part of the day with you."

Owen beamed and reached to take my hand. We continued walking, holding hands and chit chatting about our day.

His annoying bookstore customer of the day, who was looking for a nonexistent title and insisted to talk to 'someone who actually knew books'.

The news I read about five house owners in the neighborhood that had woken up to plastic yellow flamingos on their front yards. The biggest mystery about the whole news for me was, of course, why the flamingos were yellow? Who would even choose to manufacture flamingos that were in any color other than pink?

It felt – nice. Warm. Normal. Most people would shudder at the prospect of a terribly ordinary life, but not me. Normalcy was good. I needed it.

Before I knew it, we'd arrived at my apartment building.

"Here we are," Owen said as he glanced up at the building then turned his gaze back at me.

"Yupp," I replied, tucking my hair behind my ear. I was nervous. But when I looked into his hazel eyes, open and kind, I felt better.

"Do you want to... come upstairs?" I asked, smiling.

"I thought you'd never ask," Owen said, chuckling. "But are you sure –"

Just then my phone rang. It was Jayna.

"Hang on," I told Owen before I answered the call. "Jays? What's up?"

"Ali!" Jayna's piercing voice was shriller than usual, if that was even possible. "Did you see my texts? Why haven't you been replying?!"

"I haven't been checking my phone. What texts? Is anything wrong?"

"Well, YEAH!"

I waited. "Jays? Are you pausing for dramatic effect?"

"Oh, sorry. No no. It's just that I've got a call waiting from Harrison. But it's fine. I'm not gonna pick up because it's more important that I first tell you what Harrison told me. It's really bizarre though, and I can't imagine how it could've – I mean, they must have had all the safety measures in place. And how freaky is it that I'd just had this dream the other day about this –"

"Jays," I cut in, rubbing at my temples. I couldn't make any sense of what she was saying. "I'm lost. Do you want to maybe start at, I dunno, the beginning...?"

"Right, right. My bad."

I could hear Jayna taking in a deep breath before she continued, "So listen, Ali... Something has happened to Tom."

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