Chapter 5

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Oh, the beginning of this chapter is my favorite part. The part where Geoul got beaten up by his own sister while he couldn't do anything but clutching his chicken tenders in pain.

After a flurry of kicks to his butts, SuA became tired and huffed out several times before she grabbed the wooden chair and raised it above her head. Her aim was his vulnerable neck.

"You think I will let you touch my friend, huh? You will die by my hands before that!"

At that time, his fate almost got sealed. Keyword: almost. Hah, what a shame. Well, whatever. Before SuA could smash the chair on him, two bad guys came into the basement room.

"Yah! What is happening here!?" Asked the first man and when his eyes landed on Geoul, they were widened. "Sir JaeYoon!"

The second man slapped the first man's head on the back. "You fool! That's not Sir JaeYoon! Look how skinny he is."

This time, SuA eyes widened as she lowly gasped, looking at the twitching man near her feet. 'He's right. This man too small to be JaeYoon.'

After frozen stiff for a while, she smacked her unrecognizable brother with the chair nonetheless. That took his life instantly on the spot... Well, yeah, that is a joke.

She lowered the chair while thinking hard. 'If this guy is not JaeYoon then who is he?'

The first bad guy spoke again. "Yah, is he one of us?"

"Wait... If he's one of us then that woman just killed our comrade. Get her!" The second man concluded and charged at her.

SuA silently scoffed at their camaraderie. Who would've thought that bad guys also have that anime's power of friendship kind of thing going on between them?

But, did she care? Heck yeah, she didn't. She ran forwards, surprising the second man with her bold action, and while the man hesitating, she spun 360 and cracked his skull with the wooden chair.

The chair cried and broke, leaving her vulnerable to the first man who was reaching for her hair. The man got lucky and managed to grab her hair but not for long as she quickly stepped on his foot with the insanely sharp heels covering her feet.

Extra information: those heels were also on her feet when she kicked her brother's butts not long ago. It was a beautiful pain to behold, don't you guys think? You can imagine what it felt but I know some of you guys have that kink so don't bother lying.

Back to the story, the first man staggered, hopping up and down with one food so SuA took the chance and cracked the eggs between his two legs with the front of her foot. That move killed the man instantly as he collapsed stiffly on the cement floor.

"That gotta hurts. Wait, it really hurts. Mine is still throbbing." Geoul slowly stood up, stretching his legs and waist.

SuA grabbed a piece of the broken chair and held it like a sword. "Yah, come here and I will bash your head."

"Kim Bora, wait a damn minute. I need to check something." He turned around and adjusted the position of his secret weapon while checking if it was still functioning or not. Sadly, it still worked fine.

'Kim Bora?... Wait, that voice...' She lowered her weapon and spoke. "Is that you...Jun?"

"Took you long enough to realize." He faced her and stepped forward for a bit, giving his sister a shy and nervous smile inside the dimmed reddish room.

A piece of the chair fully dropped down from SuA's hand. Her lower lip was bitten hard to stop her eyes from leaking. She was mad at the fact that he was gone for five years but the happiness was also there when she looked at him.

SuA rushed to him and burned his cheek with a hard slap that he deserved and followed it up with a tight warm hug afterward. Her sobbing was hidden against his chest.

"I'm sorry... I didn't realize it was, I didn't expect to see my brother again." She spoke between sobbing and sniffing.

He pulled her closer into the embrace, savoring the warmth of a family that he had missed for so long. "Don't say sorry. You were protecting yourself. I'm not mad, tho it really hurts." He chuckled, hugging SuA even tighter as she did the same, still sniffing.

She started giggling slowly while wiping the tears under her eyes. "Again I'm sorry about that. I hope I didn't damage it enough to the point you can't give me cute nieces and nephews."

"I'm fine but that problem lies in whether I can get a girlfriend or not." He shrugged and for the first time since forever, he heard his sister's genuine laugh.

Loud and contagious are the perfect words to describe SuA's laugh. Hearing that makes him happy. Despite that, he still managed to move quickly to the important stuff.

"Anyway, are you hurt anywhere, Bora?" He asked, inspecting her legs and arms.

"No, I'm okay. That bastard slapped me once tho." She pointed at her pouting lips.

He saw the wound clearly amidst the dimmed room as his expression turned sour while huffing out in annoyance. "Tch, that buffed freak."

He nudged the unconscious duo on the floor with his foot and got no response. He couldn't care less if they died or not. They deserved that after attacking his sister.

"Anyway, let's get out of here. Pinky must have been waiting for us."

"Pinky? Wait, JiU is here?" SuA asked, slightly feeling worried now. She knew JaeYoon was also looking for JiU so her friend could be in danger if she was here.

"Yeah, she's distracting that manager while I rescue you."

"Yah! How could you leave her alone!? JaeYoon is a creep! I don't know what he will do to JiU with that filthy mind of his!"

His heart suddenly beat faster. Earlier he totally trusted JiU to take care of herself but after what SuA said, he became uneasy. One of the many reasons I hate Geoul, such an idiot, shake my head.

He took out his phone and check JiU's location. "She's a few blocks away." He showed the map to SuA.

"We can reach there in five minutes. Let's go!" SuA went ahead of him.

He reflexively grabbed her wrist. "Yah, Bora, are you also coming?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I'm coming. She's my friend."

He let her go and sighed. He learned enough that women with determination couldn't be stopped. Be it SuA or JiU, they are all the same. Full time courageous with a little bit of stubbornness to spice things up.

They climbed up the narrow stairs and got out of the basement through the secret entrance he used to come in. They just ignored all the confused stares they got from the employees as they stepped out of the manager's room and went toward the front exit.

When they reached the middle of the restaurant, a few thugs blocked their way, each of them brandishing a knife in their grips. The customers who noticed them quickly scrambled out of the way, allowing them to face off with the thugs.

SuA tucked his sleeve. "Jun..."

He clicked his tongue. "Stay back."

They got a knife and he got nothing but the surroundings got his back. He grabbed a chair and rushed to them. His expression was like a mad cat, scratching everything in sight except he was using a chair.

The chair was thicc and that thickness protected his body from getting wounded by the knifers. He beat all the thugs to a pulp with no trouble whatsoever.

He dropped the chair and loudly huffed out. "Don't bring knives to a chair fight, dumbasses."


Cut! SuA rescued. Mission accomplished...or is it?  Who knows, fufufu. Anyhow, anyone excited for the comeback? Cos I know I do. The teaser images look hella dope. Well then, see you next time. Dream out.

[DISCONTINUED] Spectres Season 2 - Male OC x JiU DreamcatcherWhere stories live. Discover now