Chapter 21

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Even with half of her legs damaged, Aranea still didn't fall and gave JiU and Jinae a hard time. The spider-lady hadn't weakened one bit albeit her disability but instead, she pushed the two to a desperate corner. 

Both of them were panting heavily, enduring all the pains embedded into their bodies. They had to fight to the end to survive but they also needed some time to catch a break. 

Judging by the situation, JiU and her mother could fall apart at any moment.  

"Okay, I'll admit that Pawns are an easier opponent than this. When the hell will she fall?" Jinae complained but she was right tho, that spider-lady needs to get knocked out fast or they wouldn't make it. 

"I think we're not hitting her hard enough, mother. How about you put more strength in your hits like whenever you did it to father," she jokes. 

"Yah! Kim JiU! Don't expose me like that." 

She didn't say it rudely, she just wants to forget the fatigue she was feeling. That way, she could go on as far as possible. Alas, it didn't help much as her sight started getting blurry. 

Jinae was also the same but she hid it quite well. They reached this point and proved they were already great enough but unfortunately, the enemy was one step further in terms of power. 

"Some humans don't fear death, do they?" Aranea shot several web bullets at them, forcing them to separate from each other.  

"No, everyone is afraid of dying but we are more scared of losing someone precious to us." JiU held her breath and ran forward. 

"And you care about nothing but yourself. That is the difference between us!" added her mother as she started running, matching their speed. 

The enemy slashed them with her leg and cut them in half if they didn't jump up, which, fortunately, they did just in time. 

Midair, Jinae shouted, "JiU!" 

She grabbed her mother's hand as the older swung her at the opponent. Her leg went straight to Aranea's injured chest but the spider successfully blocked it with her crossed arms. 

The attack did nothing but pushed the opponent a few steps back. 

When they landed, they were instantly hit by a long and hard leg that they cautiously tried to avoid. It hit them right on their front and blasted them bouncing against the concrete floor. 

Aranea didn't give them enough time to cough all the way as she dashed towards them and slammed down her leg at JiU who was unaware of it. 

The moment she realized was the moment she fell to the side after getting pushed by her mother. Jinae took her spot and received the hit instead. 

The older was stabbed on her left shoulder and down to her arm before grabbing the damn leg and holding it in place. 


JiU angrily glared up at Aranea and kicked the leg Jinae was holding as hard as she could and managed to bend it in half. Still fueled by anger, she ripped the bent part off from its joint. 

Another limb got damaged as a loud scream followed right after and forced Aranea to step back. Her face painted with beauty no more as her hair messed up and her expression was twisted. 

Starting from that moment, she knew her opponents were dangerous; JiU was dangerous. Even without White Lotus power, the chance for her to be killed by JiU was high. 

[DISCONTINUED] Spectres Season 2 - Male OC x JiU DreamcatcherWhere stories live. Discover now