Chapter 7

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Geoul's left hand was on JaeYoon's collar and his right hand was fisting the bigger man's man face as if he was playing with dough, a bloody dough so to say. After what JaeYoon did, it was satisfying to watch if you can see it. Hopefully, your imagination is helping you with that.

He moved his grip from JaeYoon's collar to his arm. He twisted it to the side, causing the big man to bend forward and then he quickly raised his leg to JaeYoon's abdomen. He finished it up with a spin kick to the back of his opponent's head, crushing the man to the ground.

JaeYoon's arm returned to normal so he stopped. Even though the man was still slightly conscious, he was no longer a threat to them. If he was, Geoul would break his balls for sure. Anyway, it's not like I supported him or anything like that, I just hate JaeYoon as much as you and him. He was still my enemy.

From afar, the sirens of the police could be heard. It was from the restaurant Geoul and Sua were at earlier. The commotion with the thugs must have made the employees and customers called for laws enforcement. It was actually a perfect chance for them to settle this.

"Yah, Sua. Go make a report to them." Jiu ushered.

"What? Right now? I thought RAT handle people like him." Sua pointed at the culprit.

"I know but for now, let give him to the police then I'll tell my dad to take it from there." Explained Jiu in short.

Sua's mind clicked. "Aha! I get it. Okay, I'll go back to the restaurant plus, all my stuff are still there."

Jiu nodded, turning her gaze to Geoul. "You go with Sua, I'll keep watch of him." She jerked her head towards JaeYoon.

"No way! Yah, you stay here with Jiu. I don't trust that creep to be alone with her." Sua loudly protested and with that, the two knew they wouldn't be able to go against her words.

"Yes, Miss Kim Bora. I'll protect your friend here with my life." He exclaimed, moving beside Jiu.

Feeling satisfied with his friend's and brother's safety, Sua ran out of the dim alley and went ahead to the restaurant a few blocks away. Despite what happened to her, she still had a lot of energy as expected of my bias wrecker, small but ferocious.

Anyway, when there were only two of them, they somewhat became awkward as each of the two kept avoiding eye contact with one another while sometimes clearing their dry throat. Well, who wouldn't be nervous when being together alone with Kim Minji.

"So, what's this about your dad? Is he a police commissioner?" He broke the silence at the end.

"Ah, no. He's a director of RAT, along with mom. Who would've thought, right?" She giggled and hissed in pain as she accidentally moved her broken arm.

Shaking his head to her carelessness, he stood in front of her as he took off his hoodie. "Give me your arm, slowly."

"W-what? Why?" She stretched her uninjured arm to him without getting the answer.

"Yah, your other arm. Aish..."

"Oh, haha..." Her face reddened, from both embarrassment and his reliable action. She thought he would make a perfect partner to whoever that would be in the future.

'Maybe he already has one?'

"That is you, Kim Minji. Idiot."

'Shut up!' She told the spirit off while her face burned hotter.

As for Geoul, he had no idea what happened inside Jiu's mind as he just gently wrapped the hoodie around her arm to her shoulder, turning it into a temporary cast so she wouldn't hurt herself more in the meantime.

[DISCONTINUED] Spectres Season 2 - Male OC x JiU DreamcatcherWhere stories live. Discover now