Chapter 8

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   After spending roughly one hour at the hospital to treat Jiu's broken arm, Sua and Jiu went back to their apartment, followed by Geoul as he silently walked behind them. He could rent another place to stay but his sister insisted he stayed with them. As for how long, they didn't mention.

Doing that would definitely save him some money but as the only man there, it was going to be awkward. Even so, there was also no way he could disobey his sister. Who knows what she would do to him the moment he said no. It could be either him or his life flying down the building.

Of course, I'll be the happiest person alive if that did happen.

The two women got inside the apartment while he just stood still by the door. 'Should I get in or politely decline the offer again?'

"What are you doing there? Come in already. It's cold outside." Sua was right, it was cold so he stopped thinking and walked inside, closing the door behind him.

"Are you sure men are allowed in here? It smells and feels womanly." His palms were rubbing together out of nervous.

"What are you talking about? You're my brother." Sua chuckled at his words.

"But I'm still a man tho."

"Yea, yea, sure. Go freshen yourself in the shower and then we will eat dinner tho we have to cook first." His sister stated order as she went inside her room.

"Why do I feel like she didn't take me seriously?" He hissed, head tilting to the side.

"I guess she still thinks of you as his little brother. That's cute." Jiu answered him and giggled.

He looked at the woman sitting on the countertop stool. Her arm was wrapped with a proper white cast now and despite that, oh how she looked so fine just sitting there and smiling. So sad that smile wasn't directed at me.

After a few seconds, he looked away, pretending to look around the room. "Anyway, are you okay with me staying here? If you don't, I can talk to noona again."

"Yah, why do you think we chose the apartment that has three rooms instead of two and cheaper?" She jerked her head towards the empty room at the end of the short hallway on their left.

"It's because Sua knew you would be back and she's right so don't feel awkward in here." She answered her own question as she stood up.

"Moreover, I don't mind one bit having you with us. It's better than thinking about where you are all the time when you're not in front of my eyes." She spoke straightforwardly, clasping her lips.

"I see." He could only smile. "Thank you, Pinky- uh, I mean, noona." He somewhat shivered every time he called her that. It was proof that he needed to get used to calling her that.

Jiu scoffed. "Just drop it. You can call me whatever you want whenever we are alone."

"It's troublesome. I'd rather get used to one name."

"Sure, whichever you prefer." She shrugged and walked to the hallway to her room. "I think there are some clothes in that room you can use so make yourself at home."

Flashing one last bright smile, Jiu disappeared into her bedroom, leaving him alone beside the sofa. It was time for him to release all the trapped air in his lungs out through his mouth.

He would be happier to live together with Sua and Jiu as a family if this whole Baphomet Society ordeal already ended but knowing the enemies were still out there never give peace to his mind, heart, and soul.

'Minji and I are the last pieces they need. That's the reason why I came back before I managed to crush them— to make sure she will always be in front of me.'


   Forty minutes later, Geoul walked out of his new room wearing a slightly bigger shirt than his figure and went to the kitchen where a loud commotion was happening because of two friends. It was none other than Jiu and Sua.

The first one was holding a knife while the latter was holding a ladle. They were arguing about who should cut the carrots and cucumbers. The purple-haired woman wanted to do it but the shorter one didn't permit her to do so considering her injured arm.

Before the accident could make itself known anytime given, he crept up behind Jiu and gently snatched the knife from her hand.

"Please be careful, noona. Don't hurt yourself." His face was just beside hers as he spoke. He made her face red as she shut up instantly while moving to the side, giving him space to stand in front of the countertop.

He looked at Sua, ignoring his wild heartbeat. "May I?" He asked, holding the carrot and knife up.

Much to his annoyance, she loudly laughed at him, orchestrated by the ladle in her hand. I wish I could join but I know better not to laugh at his cooking skills.

He closed his eyes and smiled. "I see you have chosen to underestimate me. Then, watch and learn."

Therefore, the moment the knife sliced through the carrot, Sua and Jiu's eyes widened. The knife hitting the surface of the cutting board was like an assault rifle furiously shooting out bullets with such precision.


A blink later all the carrots and cucumbers had finished getting cut into thin and neat pieces. He spun the knife once and stabbed the cutting board, looking at them with a smug expression.

"Heol, Jun...daebak. Should I introduce you to some moms that I know?" His sister's way of complimenting was freaking weird, not gonna lie.

"What? No, thanks. Then, anything else?" He asked, raising eyebrows at Sua and speechless Jiu.

"Ah, yes, there is... How about you help with everything?" As she finished saying that, she pushed him to another task that needed to be done, giving him no chance for retaliation.

Just as simple as that, he became their chef for the night as the kitchen fell into chaos mostly caused by his older sister. Jiu who was supposed to control the wildness couldn't be helped but also helplessly getting dragged into the chaos.


Hello, everyone. It is a short update but hopefully, you still have a fun time. Thank you for reading. Dream out.

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