Control yourself

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This was definitely my favorite chapter to write sir far.
Thank you to my friend Hailey for the request.
Another short chapter but thing are getting interesting.
Hope you enjoy. X


'It was instinct, Hiccup!' Oakley protested as she dimounted her dragon and entered the clubhouse where Astrid had been sat watching the scene unfold.

'That's not the point.' Hiccup said as he hopped off of Toothless. 'You risked exposing yourself to the dragon hunters.'

'What was I supposed to do? Sit back and watch you get shot?' She asked, slightly agitated as she headed in Astrid's direction as the other riders landed outside, completely oblivious to the situation.

'Hiccup, if it was the other way around you would've done the same for me and you know it!' She added spinning around to face him.

'Oakley...You have to be more careful!' He said trying to ignore that last statement, unwilling to admit the truth behind it. 'You are powerful, yes... But that also makes you dangerous.'

'I know, that's why I've spent the last month learning to control it.'

'That's not what he meant.' Astrid interrupted, feeling much better. She stood up and walked over to Oakley placing a hand on her shoulder. 'If Krogan ever finds out about you, he will do everything in his power to take full advantage of that. He will stop at nothing to find a way to use your powers against us.'

Oakley sighed and nodded in agreement. 'You're right. I'm sorry. I'll try to control it.'

2 weeks later

Astrid and Oakley had decided to go on their early morning flight a little earlier than usual. For no specific reason, they were just awake a little early, and Stormfly's wing had healed quite nicely.

They stopped on a cliff that allowed them to look out over the entire base. After dismounting their dragons, they decided to sit and watch the sunrise, and continue their conversation.

'Okay, so I know that fear, triggers ice.' Astrid stated as she was helping Oakley work on controlling her powers.
She figured that since her powers are tied to her emotions, she should work on that. 'And... I'm guessing water is sadness?' She asked.

'Yup, Air is happiness.' Oakley added. 'Fire is...'
'Anger?' Astrid interrupted.
'And Earth?' Astrid asked as she began to draw in the dirt with a stick.
'Love.' Oakley replied as she looked glanced at Astrid, who returned that glance.

'Okay, so answer me this...' Astrid chuckled, as she returned to her drawing. 'If you had to date any of the riders. Who would it be and why?'

'Well, Hiccup's my brother so he's out, Fishlegs and Heather are taken so they're out. The twins are just weird... and nobody likes Snotlout.'

*How is she so perfect?* Astrid giggled 'Okay, that's fair.'

'What about you?' Oakley looked up at Astrid, still drawing in the dirt. 'You and Hiccup seem pretty close.'

Astrids eyes shot up. 'What?... No... I mean I've known him forever but he's not really my type.'

'Really? So what is your type?'

*You. You are my type.* That's all she wanted to say in that moment. 'I don't know... I guess someone a little more hardcore, who can hold their own in a fight...Like when you took on Snotlout.' They both quickly looked away and blushed, and she instanly regretting her choice of words.

'So, what else?' Oakley asked, suddenly curious.

'Someone who won't be awake all night and sleep till noon. I'm a morning person, Hiccup's a night person, it would never work.'

'Okay, that's fair.'

They both chuckled.

'So what's your type?' Astrid asked, curious to hear the answer.

'I don't really have a type.' Oakley stated.

'Oh come on, everyone has a type.'

'I don't know... I guess I'm just not into guys.'

'Okay, so what about girls?' Astrid asked continuing to draw, immediately catching her friends attention. 'Do you have a type?'

'Isn't that... illegal or something?' Oakley asked. 'Girls liking other girls?'

Astrid giggles. *How is she this cute?* 'Of course not, it is frowned upon by the older generation, but it happens more often than you think. None of us have a problem with it... To tell you the truth I'm not really into guys either.' She said hesitantly.

'Nice to know.' Oakley said, desperately trying to control her emotions, which were practically screaming at her. She was never the best at hiding her emotions. If her powers didn't give her away, her eyes did. Her eyes would often change color according to her mood, but they usually remained a light blue-ish green with a purple tint in the sunlight.

'So?...' Astrid said, giving her friend a nudge. 'You never answered my question?'

Oakley sighed. She had never lied to Astrid, and she wasn't about to start now. 'Well, now that you mention it, they have to be able to hold their own.' But that didn't mean she couldn't dodge the truth.
'I don't know... I guess... Someone who understands me.' She said looking at the ground. 'Who sees through me,...' She looks over at Astrid whos eyes were fixed on hers, with the hint of a smile on her face. 'Someone who knows me,... all the good,... all the bad. And still wants me around... Someone who loves me for me... not my powers.' 

Astrid remained lost. Lost for words, lost in her eyes.

'Astrid?... Are you-' Oakley was quickly interrupted when Astrid leaned in to plant a gentle kiss on her lips.
After recovering from the quick shock she that raced through her body at the feeling of Astrids lips on her own, she closed her eyes, as flower petals began to fall like snow, and sunk into the kiss, that quickly progressed from gentle to passionate, her first kiss, which lasted at least a several few minutes, before they each had to come up for air.

They both backed out of the kiss slowly and rested their foreheads together, but soon giggled at the gurgling sounds their dragons made after the scene they had just witnessed.

They turned their heads and slid closer to each other. Astrid's arm over Oakley's shoulder, with Oakley's around her waist, leaning her head on Astrid's shoulder, Together they sat and watched the sunrise. Agreeing to keep this moment and their new relationship between themselves. For now, at least.


They decided to watch the sunrise from that same spot every morning for the next week, as it was their only chance to enjoy their relationship without getting caught. They were the only ones awake so early in the morning, and since they were staying in the same hut, they had both agreed to keep their relationship outside those 4 walls, just to be safe.

They'd had a few close calls over the last few days, Heather had caught them kissing in the clubhouse a few days ago, but she promised not to tell anyone as she was curiously excited to see how the girls relationship progressed. They almost got caught by Tuff, but luckily he was too busy singing Chicken a lulluby to notice. Although, Oakley really needed to try harder to control her powers, because everyone was starting to get suspicious when small piles of Rose petals were appearing all over the edge. But, she just couldn't help it, she was weak. Every time Astrid's lips collided with her own, her mind was completely erased, and she only had one thing on her mind. Astrid.


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