In my head

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Oakley walked Astrid back to their hut.

"Try and get some rest. I'll be back in a little bit." Oakley suggested as the blonde removed her skirt and armor and tucked herself into bed.

"Aren't you gonna rest too?" Astrid wondered.

"Maybe later." The brunette gently kissed Astrid's head. "There's still a few things I need to figure out first. Just rest. I'll be in the clubhouse if you need me." She informed as she turned to leave. *Sweet dreams, Sleepyhead*

Astrid soon fell asleep.


Oakley sauntered into the clubhouse, where the other riders were all gathered with their dragons.

"Hey, how did training go?" Fishlegs asked, curiously.

"She grew a tree."

"Well, that's good, right?" Hiccup wondered.

"It's amazing. Only, she was supposed to be moving a rock." Oakley chuckled. "She's definitely a fast learner. She's already getting the hang of it."

"Well, that's a relief." Her brother sighed. "Where is she now?"


Oakley sat herself on the floor in the corner of the room and winced.


"I'm fine, Hiccup. Still a little sore." Oakley explained, placing a hand over her arrow wound. Hiccup wandered over to join his sister on the floor.

"How are you feeling about all this?" He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and she felt all her muscles relax.

"Guilty, mostly." She admitted, her gaze fell to the floor as she fought back a tear.

"Oak, it's not your fault." Hiccup reassured. "You didn't do it on purpose."

"Hiccup, it's hurting her!" Oakley sobbed.

"What are you talking about?" Fishlegs asked.

"I have had those powers my entire life. And it hurts. Those voices are never-ending. It's like every person on earth is crammed into your brain and they are all screaming at once." Oakley began to explain. "Using magic, wears you out, drastically. The more power you use, the more it hurts. And all you want to do is make it stop. If Astrid can't handle it, it'll drive her to the brink of insanity."

"She's Astrid. She can handle anything." Heather assured. Oakley looked up at her.

"I hope you're right."

"Umm, Oak," Ruffnut called, gaining the brunette's attention. "I think it's snowing again."

"Oh no." Oakley jumped to her feet, ignore the searing pain coursing through her abdomen. She darted out of the clubhouse and towards her hut. She raced inside to find Astrid wide awake, breathing heavily, her eyes fixated straight ahead. Stormfly was right by her side.

"Astrid?" She rushed to her side. The blonde raised her hand to the side, desperately trying to find something to grab onto. Oakley took her hand and grasped it tightly. "Bad dream?" Astrid nodded. "It's okay. Just breathe. I'm right here."

"It was horrible. I was a little kid, my mom was tucking me into bed. This huge dragon broke in and-"

"Tore her apart?" Oakley finished for her, leaving Astrid a little confused. "That's my nightmare. Astrid, I'm so sorry." She apologized. *This is all my fault*

"No, it's not," Astrid responded. "Don't think that!"

"Astrid, what else am I supposed to think?!" Oakley asked. "It's one thing to have my powers, but, my dreams??"

"Well, I'm supposed to learn what it's like to be you, right? To understand what you go through every day." Astrid yawned.

"I guess." Oakley took off her spiked skirt and crimson red overshirt, leaving her in her gray leggings and black shirt, and shuffled into the bed beside Astrid.

"Oak, what are you doing?" Astrid chuckled.

"Well, you always manage to make me feel better. Since you are the new me, I'm hoping I can help."

Both girls laid down, Astrid turned to face away from her girlfriend. Oakley wrapped an arm around Astrid and locked their fingers together.

"I thought you had stuff to figure out?" Astrid questioned.

"Stuff can wait." Oakley brushed off. "You're more important." Astrid blushed.

"Maybe I can help?" The blonde suggested.

"You need to sleep."

"Please." She pleaded. "It will help take my mind off of everything else."

Oakley let out a sigh and rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. Astrid rolled herself over to face her girlfriend who was deep in thought, draping her arm over the brunette's stomach.

"Sweetie, what is it?"

"Astrid, if I'm not human. What am I?" Oakley wondered.

"You'll figure it out." Astrid shuffled closer, resting her head on Oakley's chest. She began tracing circles on Oakley's stomach and smiled contently.

"Sweetie, what are you doing?"

"I can hear your heartbeat." Astrid informed as she closed her eyes. She bit her lip to refrain from smiling.

Oakley began gently stroking the blonde's hair. "Looks like you got more than just my powers."

"What do you mean?"

"You're having my dreams. You're even starting to act like me. It's like you're becoming me."

"I'm okay with that." Astrid whispered.

"I'm not." Oakley disagreed. "The world has more than enough of me. The world needs an Astrid Hofferson."

The blonde winced as the chatter in her head returned. Oakley continued to stoke her hair in an attempt to calm her.

Both girls soon drifted off.


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