Second Chance

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Oakley and StarGazer landed on an icy island where the riders were all waiting impatiently for her. She was covered in bruises and had a large gash across her cheek.

The mystery woman was a few yards away, checking on all the dragons after the fight.

"Are you okay?!" Hiccup checked, a sense of worry in his voice.

"I'm okay." His sister assured.

"What happened?!" Astrid panicked.

"We managed to fight off the trappers and the king blew their fort to pieces but before I could get to StarGazer, their leader showed up."

"I thought that Eret guy was the leader?" Snotlout mentioned.

"I wish. No, he's called, Dargo... Bloody fist or something. You should've seen this guy."

Miss Hofferson's head snapped up.

"Drago Bludvist?!"

"Yeah," Oakley confirmed. "Wait, you know him?"

Lotus told the riders all about Drago Bludvist. About the gathering of great chieftains where only one survived. Stoick.

"You were lucky to make it out of there."

"Well, let's just be glad that I did." She mentioned. "Was anyone else hurt?"

"A few bruises here and there, but otherwise okay," Heather explained.

Oakley suddenly felt a nudge on her arm and turned to see Cloudjumper bowing his head. She gave him a gentle stroke on the nose before swiping her hand over an arrow wound on his leg, causing it to disappear. He nodded gratefully before racing to his sister. Astrid finally made her way to her girlfriend, brushing a gentle hand across her cheek, clearing up her wounds.

"Thanks." Oakley smiled. She turned to her brother and hugged him tightly before grasping his hand and turning towards the stranger, who at some point had taken off her helmet.

"Valka?" Miss Hofferson noticed.


"Mom..." Hiccup gasped. He approached her slowly, letting his hand slip from his sister's.

"H-Hiccup?" The woman thought as she brought a hand to his cheek. "C-Could it be? After all these years? But then..." She turned to Oakley, to see the snow beneath her melting around her feet.

"Oak?" Astrid worried. Her girlfriend's face remained vacant and it was hard to tell what she was thinking. Valka took a couple of steps closer to her daughter only to have her path blocked as a lightning bolt struck the ground just a few inches ahead of her, though there wasn't a storm cloud in sight.

"Oak?! What are you doing?" Her brother scolded. The brunette glanced at Miss Hofferson then back towards Valka. She backed away slowly until she reached her dragon, she grasped her horn and took off towards the nearest sea stack as the skies opened up and a storm began to rage.


"She could've come back." Oakley sobbed as Lotus approached cautiously. She threw her hand out and lightning crack across the open sky. "All this time, she could've come back and she didn't." She cried. "I figured if she was stranded or trapped it would explain why she didn't come home, but-"

"Maybe you should ask her." The blonde suggested. Oakley threw her hands out once again, drawing more lightning towards the earth. Miss Hofferson placed her hand gently on Oakley's back and the brunette immediately dropped to her knees and sobbed hysterically. Lotus just pulled her close and rocked her back and forth in an attempt to calm her.

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