The Rose

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"Oak, will you slow down?!" Hiccup rasped as he jogged to keep up with his sister, who was storming across the village, her hand wrapped tightly around the hammer her mother had left for her.

"Stay out of the way if you know what's good for you." Oakley hissed as she threw the doors to the great hall open.

"OAKLEY!" Stoick growled. "How many times do I have to tell you not to interrupt a council meeting unless it's an emergency?!"

Oakley didn't respond and just hurled the hammer towards her father, luckily his reflexes were still sharp and he caught it in his hand. Of course, Oakley had expected nothing less. Her hair quickly lit up in light blue flames, while Astrid's lit up in crimson red ones. Stoick took a moment to inspect the familiar item.

"Council dismissed." He announced.

"But chief we still have to discuss the-"

"I said council dismissed!" He snapped. The room quickly cleared out, leaving Oakley, Stoick, Hiccup, Astrid, and Lotus behind.

"Uh, Oak." Astrid gestured to her hair. Oakley closed her eyes and took a deep breath, extinguishing the flames on both girls. And there it was, that awful feeling that came after. Astrid instinctively clutched her stomach fighting off the nausea she was feeling. While Oakley just pushed it aside, as usual.

"What else are you hiding from me?" Oakley glared at her father.

"I wasn't hiding anything." He defended.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure that you put it in a chest in the far corner of a secret room hidden behind a trap door, hidden under a rug, hidden under your chair so that it would be the first thing I notice when I wake up in the morning." Oakley snarled sarcastically. "Why were you so desperate to keep these away from us?"

"How did you even find the-"

"Don't change the subject." The chief sighed in defeat.

"I just didn't think you were ready." He admitted.

"What really happened to mom?" She tried to sneak into the conversation.

"You know perfectly well what happened. You were the only one in the room when it happened." Stoick reminded.

"I was four years old. All I remember are the nightmares you put in my head." His daughter mentioned. Astrid smiled sadly, having experienced those nightmares herself. She enveloped her mother in a hug. "Are you gonna tell me the truth?" The chief just sighed. Oakley rolled her eyes and turned to leave.

"Okay, okay." The chief gave in. "There was a dragon raid. Your mother wasn't really the dragon fighting type."

"Yeah, yeah. She was a friend to the dragons and risked her own life to save them. I know this, skip ahead." Oakley requested. Stoick was shocked at her knowledge on the topic of Valka.

"A dragon broke into our house, finding you and Hiccup inside. By the time I got there, the dragon had scooped your mother up and flown away."

"Flown away?!" Oakley gasped. "Not torn apart?" She turned between her brother and her girlfriend.

"Oak, I know what you're thinking and it's not possible." Hiccup explained.

"Isn't it?" She wondered. "Can you look me in the eye and honestly say there isn't even a fraction of a possibility that she's out there somewhere?" Hiccup just looked around the room, at the chairs, the table, the wall, anything but his sister's eyes. "Thought so. If she was really gone, I wouldn't be able to hear her now. And if there's even a slight chance that she's out there, we have to find her."

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