Righting the Wrong

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"Heather, go and find the riders. I sent them to Shiva's Island." Oakley ordered, still surrounded by a glowing aura, staring down at her hands before catching a glimpse of Astrid who had a very dull glow herself, though she was too distraught to notice. "Pass by the cove and let them know it's safe to come back up."

Heather nodded in understanding and darted towards her dragon, taking to the skies. The brunette turned her attention back to her girlfriend who was clinging to her mother's motionless form.

"Astrid, I need you to take my hand."

"What?" She sobbed, lifting her head.

"We can still make this right. Please. Just take my hand." The blonde hesitated but soon obliged. The shining aura soon faded and made its way to Oakley's right hand. She gently grabbed Astrid's free hand and held it over her mother's chest. Both girls allowed their hands to hover for a moment. The glow soon faded and passed into Lotus, surrounding her in a golden glow as her wound began to fade.

The woman gasped and shot up. Her eyes flung open.

"Mom?!" Astrid shrieked.


A smile crept its way onto Astrid's face as she threw her arms around her mother and clung tightly as if it were essential for her survival.

Oakley just smiled contently before Lotus rose her hand inviting the brunette to join them. She rolled her eyes playfully and let out a small chuckle before joining the hug.

She backed out and looked down at her hands, which were still glowing. She glanced towards the door then back at her hands. She hopped off the ground and headed towards the exit, without a word.

"Oak?" Astrid rasped as exhaustion took her over. Her eyes were red and puffy as she struggled to see through the fog of her dried-up tears. The brunette ignored her and continued walking.

The Hofferson's made their way into the plaza to find Oakley stood in the very center of the village her head facing the ground and her eyes squeezed shut in concentration. Her entire body was once again surrounded by a bright white glow. Her hands balled into fists.

"Oak?" Astrid tried again. The brunette raised her hand out to the side. Astrid stumbled over, still fighting her exhaustion as she took a hold of Oakley's hand. The glow expanded, covering the entire island.

"Okay, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that isn't the glow of the morning sun?" Hiccup thought as the riders approached the island.

"It's coming from the plaza. Let's go." Stoick ordered.

The chief flew above the center of the village to see the damage that had been done to his island disappearing before his very eyes. Broken buildings mending themselves. Burns and bruises fading into nothing. Scorches from the lightning strikes erasing like an old sketch and puddles of water rising up as they evaporated into thin air.

The magic that surrounded the island came to a halt. The shimmer that surrounded the girls began to fade and they both dropped to the ground as exhaustion took them over. The riders landed close by as Mrs. Hofferson raced to her daughter.

"Mrs. Hofferson?" Heather wondered. "You're okay? But how?!"

"Magic." She stated plainly. "Let's get the girls inside."


Oakley was the first to wake up a little over six hours later. She ignored her father sitting beside her and raced out of Mrs. Hofferson's room and straight into Astrid's across the hall. She let out a sigh of relief when the blonde began to stir. She nodded at Lotus who returned the gesture reassuringly. With that, it took everything Oakley had to close the door and leave them to it. She made her way into the main room of the hut where her brother and father were waiting for her.

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