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A few days later


'Hi, Hiccup.' Astrid greeted her friend.

'Hey, Astrid. What's going on?'

'I was wondering if you could do something for me.'

'Sure I got some time on my hands.'

Astrid handed him a piece of paper.

'This seems manageable.' He assured her.

'Thank you.'

'So, figured out how you're going to tell her yet?'

Astrid had been trying to find the right way to confess her feelings to Oakley.

'No idea.' She shrugged. 'But it has to be perfect!'

'I'm sure it will be perfect no matter what... Just don't get too offended if she doesn't say it back.'

'Wait, why wouldn't she say it back? You don't think she feels the same way?'

'Oh no, she definitely does. One hundred percent. But she doesn't say I love you to anybody, it's always 'You too' or 'Same here'.'


Hiccup hesitated. 'It was the last thing she said to mom before she disappeared. She's scared. She doesn't want to go through that pain again.'


Oakley was sitting on a nearby sea stack. She was enjoying a well-deserved break. Now that she was feeling better, Stoick had her working around the clock, helping Hiccup with chiefing duties. She didn't mind helping out. It made her feel useful. Her powers still hadn't returned, and she was starting to wonder if they ever would. But, there was something else. A weight on her shoulders.

'Are you okay, dear?' Lotus asked as she hopped off her dragon, allowing him to play with StarGazer, before taking a seat next to Oakley.

'Yeah, I'm good.' Oakley fibbed, as she tucked her legs up to her chest.

Lotus placed a hand on the young Viking's shoulder. 'No, you're not.'

Oakley sighed.

'But I'm here if you want to talk about it.' Lotus wiped the tear from Oakley's face.

'I just...' Oakley hesitated. 'I just feel... Lost.'

'Why?' Lotus asked softly.

'My powers are all I've ever known... Take that away and... who am I?'

'You're Oakley.' Astrid called out as she sent Stormfly to join Canyon and StarGazer before sitting by her girlfriend's side.

'You're strong...' Astrid continued, tucking Oakley's bangs behind her ear before placing her hand on her cheek. '... You're smart... and you're beautiful.'


'No!' She interrupted. 'I've been watching you tear yourself down for over a week now, and I'm sick of it.'


'I know what you did...' She interrupted again. '...During the battle.'


'That last move... You weren't expecting to make it out alive.'

Lotus looked over from where she was now stood with the dragons.

'How did you...'

'Magic.' She summed up. She wasn't lying, and Oakley knew exactly what she meant. 'You thought it was going to kill you... But you did it anyway... to save everyone else.'

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