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Oakley had passed out in Hiccup's arms, only to wake up a few hours later. She sent everyone home, knowing she wasn't going to be getting any more sleep. Lotus had to get to work early in the morning. After she left, Oakley quickly got to work, making breakfast.

Of course, she made Astrid's favorite breakfast. Bacon and eggs on toast with a glass of milk. She knew Astrid would probably chuck it up within the hour but she wanted to make it anyway.

She had cleaned up Astrid's room, although Astrid herself had fallen asleep still covered in mud, but they could worry about that later.

Oakley was doing everything she could to keep herself busy, desperately trying to ignore the pain radiating through her hip.

She finished pouring Astrid a glass of milk and placed it on a tray beside her plate, with a small rose in-between. Roses were Astrid's favorite, but only Oakley was allowed to know.

Oakley took the tray into Astrid's room as she slowly began to wake up.

'Morning, sleepyhead.' Oakley whispered.

Astrid smiled as she caught a whiff of bacon, causing her stomach to grumble at her.

'Your breakfast is served, Milady.' That was the first time Oakley had ever used that nickname and she was never going to use it again. She placed the tray on Astrids lap before sitting beside her.

Now, Oakley knew perfectly well that Astrid could not grip her fingers enough to pick up her fork. But, she also knew Astrid well enough to know that if she tried to help her, Astrid would only injure herself more trying to hurt her. So, she decided to wait until Astrid asked.

Astrid tried desperately to get a hold of her fork, but after a few minutes of being unsuccessful, she let out a sigh, before her stomach grumbled again.

Oakley giggled at the sound, before picking up the fork to help.

Astrid hated every second of it. She felt humiliated. But she was so hungry, she would have let Snotlout feed her.

Oakley removed the tray from Astrids lap, placing it on her nightstand.

'Oak?!' She stared at the large bloodstain on Oakley's chest, now that it was lighter and the room was no longer spinning.

'I'm fine...' Oakley reassured. 'But your head ruined my new outfit.' She giggled. 

Astrid chuckled, before wriggling under the sheets.

'You okay?' Oakley panicked.

'I feel gross.' She explained.

Oakley sighed. 'Okay, I'll go draw you a bath.'


After the bath


'Oak?' Astrid whispered. 'Can we go see the guys?'

As much as she was enjoying her alone time with Oakley, she was just desperate for an excuse to get outside. And Oakley knew it.

'And how exactly are you planning on getting there?' Oakley asked, teasingly.

Astrid shrugged.

Oakley sighed before helping Astrid stand up. Once she had gained her balance Oakley quickly spun around and crouched in front of her. Before Astrid could say anything, Oakley scooped her up into a piggyback before scooping up the supplies she had placed in a bag. Astrid held tightly with her left arm over Oakleys shoulder as she headed for the door.

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