Double date

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This is another short one but definitely worth reading.

Hope you enjoy x


The four young vikings had decided that a campout would be the perfect way to end their day off.

Oakley and Heather had begun collecting wood for the fire, Fishlegs was gathering water, just incase, while Astrid had decided to do a quick patrol of the island.

'So... Are we gonna talk about what happened earlier?' Heather pryed.

Oakley giggled. 'What about it?'

'Well, we can get to the kiss later... First, I want to know how you beat Astrid in a fight? I mean, I know you beat me but, Astrid never loses in a fight.'

'She said 'No weapons, No magic and No holding back.' Although I have to admit, I held back a little.'

'That was holding back??' Heather raised her eyebrow.

Oakley shrugged, guilt in her eyes. Heather chuckled.

At that moment, Fishlegs and Meatlug returned. He barely had time to dismount his dragon before Heather grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer to plant a kiss on his lips, leaving him lightheaded before snuggling together on the ground. After the scene they had witnessed earlier, they no longer had a problem showing their affection.

Oakley just held back her smile, not saying a word.

'Okay girl,' Oakley said to her dragon, who had already made herself comfortable. 'Light it up.'

StarGazer slowly lifted her head and shot at the pile of wood and kindling, before lowering her head once again. Oakley finally sat down and pulled the blanket over her, as the fire started to heat up the surrounding area. For the next few minutes she decided to pay some attention to her dragon, mostly to make up for the lack of attention received throughout the day but also to avoid watching Heather and Fishlegs kissing, just a few yards away.


Astrid finally made her way to the campsite.

'Everything okay?' Oakley asked as Heather and Fishlegs finally diverted their attention away from each other.

'Smidvarg locked himself in the stables again.' She chuckled and rolled her eyes.

'Aww, he's okay though right?' Fishlegs asked. He really loved Smidvarg.

'Yeah, he's fine.' Astrid reassured, taking off Stormflys saddle.

'Good.' Oakley sighed. 'Now get over here.' She ordered, moving the blanket to allow Astrid to sit with her.

'Hey, I give the orders!' She teased playfully.

*Girl, you better get over here. Right now.* 'Hiccup may have put you in charge, but I'm still the daughter of the chief.' She responded with a cheeky smile, as Astrid slowly walked towards her.

'Oh, you're really gonna go there?' Astrid chuckled as she sat down beside her girlfriend, facing the opposite direction to the fire, bringing them face to face.

'Oh, I'm going...' Oakley joked.

'Oh yeah?'


'Well, I'm gonna kiss you now!' Astrid warned.

*You better* 'Yeah? ...Not if I kiss you first!'

They both giggled before there lips pulled together like magnets.

'Awww...' Heather and Fishlegs both whispered in unison, causing the girls to giggle and break their kiss. *They are so cute*

'Okay... Okay... We'll stop!' Oakley reassured.

'Oh, you better not!' Astrid demanded, giving Oakley a small kiss on the cheek. *Don't you dare*

Oakley smiled as she spotted a single rose petal caught in astrids hair. She removed the petal showing it to Astrid, causing laughter amongst them.

'Awww, aren't you guys just the cutest?' Heather asked, as Astrid finally sat by Oakley, tucking her legs under the blanket, finally able to feel her warmth.

'You know, I think we might just be.' Astrid admitted as Oakley rested her head on Astrids chest.

Astrid moved Oakleys hair away from her eyes before kissing her forehead. Oakley turned her head to the side and smiled, placing her hand on Astrids stomach, slowly tracing circles as she often did when they were sat together.

*She's so adorable* 'Oak?' Astrid whispered as she swept her girlfriends hair away from her face once again before gently running her fingers through Oakleys long brown hair. 'Are you okay?'

Oakley continued tracing circles over Astrids shirt. Something about it felt oddly calming. 'I can hear your heartbeat.' She confessed, smiling as she bit her lip.

'Oh yeah?... How does it sound?'

'Beautiful.' Oakley whispered. *And it just sped up drastically*


Both couples remained silent for the few minutes that followed, until Oakley finally sat up and removed a journal from her saddle bag and began to write.

As Oakley sat forward in order to write more comfortably, Astrid repositioned herself so she was sitting behind her girlfriend, who was so focused on what she was doing that she hadn't noticed, until Astrids arms wrapped around her waist. She placed her non-writing hand over Astrids, gently stroking her hand with her thumb, not once taking her eyes off the book she was still writing in.

'Astrid, what did I eat for breakfast this morning?' She finally asked, not once taking her eyes off her journal. 'I wanna say soup, but I think that was yesterday... I remember, you had Bacon and Eggs.'

*She's crazy* 'You had toast, sweetie.' She reminded, laying her head on Oakleys shoulder to see what she was writing.

'Thanks' Oakley continued writing. *I love when she calls me that*

'What's this for?' Astrid asked. Tightening her hold around her girlfriends waist, ever so slightly.

'Well, time goes by so fast. If you don't write stuff down, it just gets lost... And I want to remember everything.' She informed, leaning back into Astrid after closing the book. Their arms still wrapped around Oakley.

'Down to every last slice of toast.' She teased as she gently kissed Oakleys shoulder. *Okay, she offically can't get any cuter*

Oakley turned her head to look at the perfection that was Astrid. 'Down to every last everything I do with you.' She corrected.

*I was wrong* Astrid giggled, before she slowly began to nibble at Oakleys neck.

*Oh Gods... Astrid, not now* The feeling sent shivers through her body, and she didn't want it to stop. So, she just sunk into the bliss, as she had done earlier that day.


A few hours had passed and the happy couples were watching the stars as the clouds passed them by, the fire still burning bright.

'Look... a shooting star.' Astrid pointed out to her girlfriend, still lying on top of her as they both stared at the sky.

'I don't see it.' Fishlegs said. Heather quickly pointed towards the sky to show him.

Oakley quickly crossed her fingers on both hands, closed her eyes and scrunched up her nose, to make a wish.
Astrid held her tight, as she could not believe how adorable her girlfriend could be when the guys weren't around. Sure, she was adorable all the time, even when she was mad, especially when she was mad, but, she had a sensitive side. Astrid loved that that side was reserved for her eyes only. *Gods, I love her... WAIT what?*


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