Breakneck Bog

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"Nothing." Hiccup sighed as he made his way to the meet-up point on a remote island they had been scoping for the past few hours.

"Astrid?" Oakley wondered. The blonde shook her head with an apologetic look on her face. The brunette exhaled. "Okay. We should set up camp for the night and figure something else out in the morning."

The others soon agreed.

Oakley waved her hand, creating a small fire pit, and lighting it with a click of her fingers.

"You guys stay here." She suggested as she threw her saddlebag over her shoulder.

"Oak, no way you are going out there alone!" Astrid scowled.

"I'm not alone." She smirked, bringing her fingers to her lips and letting out a loud whistle, causing several Changewings to fly overhead.

"Oak. Will you please just rest?" Hiccup pleaded.


"Your gonna work yourself to death-" He continued, despite his sister's attempts to grab his attention.


"We can continue looking in the morning."

"Hiccup!" She shouted, finally gaining his eye contact, though looking over his shoulder. "She's not here."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do. But I know somebody that is." Oakley mentioned.

"Really? Who?" Astrid wondered.

"Them." Oakley gestured over the blonde's shoulder to the large cloud moving towards them.

"Smothering Smokebreaths?!" Hiccup thought. "How did we end up on Breakneck Bog?!" He questioned.

"I don't know." Oakley shrugged. "Just get down."


"Get down on the ground!" The brunette ordered. "Smoke rises. It'll be easier to breathe."

The others did as told and dropped to their stomachs as the dragons flew above them, stopping close by.

Oakley let out a long breath, blowing the cloud away as she coughed and waved her hand through the smoke. The small mystery class dragons approached cautiously. Though after Oakley had gained their trust, they allowed the smoke to clear completely.


The morning came and Oakley was nowhere to be seen.

"I knew she was gonna go off on her own." Hiccup explained as he and Astrid began searching the island. "Why doesn't she listen?"

"She's a Haddock. What did you expect?" Astrid teased.

"Hey!" He defended. The blonde just glared at him. "Yeah, okay."

"Hiccup, she's had to grow up pretty fast. She's not a little girl anymore and after all that she's been through these past months... Maybe she just needs a few minutes alone. It's not the end of the world."

They approached a lagoon in the center of the island where Oakley was throwing pebbles, that the Smokebreaths were bringing her, into the waters, rather aggressively.

"Oak?" Astrid attempted, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

The brunette stopped in her tracks, staring out at the waterfall on the far side of the lagoon.

"What if it's my fault?"

"What?" Hiccup wondered.

"Mom." She explained simply, spinning to face her brother. "What if they took her because they knew I would go looking. What if it was all to make sure I found the king of dragons?"

"You don't know that. We don't even know if mom is connected to the king of dragons." Hiccup reminded.

"We also don't know that she's not."


They set off, still in the early hours of the morning, with both the Changewings and Smokebreaths following close behind them when they stumbled onto another island.

They landed on the beach at the very edge of the island where there appeared to have been a struggle. Oakley headed straight towards an empty cage and knelt down to pick up an arrow.

"Oak don't!" Astrid shrieked. Oakley turned around and gazed at the blonde in confusion. Astrid made her way over and picked up the arrow. She swiped her thumb gently across the tip and placed it against her lips, only to spit out the bitter taste. "Dragon root. Don't touch them."

"Right. Part dragon." The brunette remembered. "What do you think happened here?"

"I'm not sure." Hiccup stated. "The ship is in splinters."

"Hunters don't usually have much trouble catching dragons," Astrid added.

Oakley began to lose focus on the conversation as her attention was drawn towards Stormfly who was currently sniffing at the sand.

"What is it, girl?" She questioned the Deadly Nadder.

'I think it's blood.' Stormfly explained. Oakley made her way over and dipped a finger into the crimson liquid. She rubbed her fingers together.

"Dragon blood." She confirmed. Her Stormcutter ventured over and let out a whine. Something was clearly worrying her. "What's the matter, SG?"

'I know that smell.' She sighed. 'Cloudjumper?'

"Who's CloudJumper?" Astrid wondered.

'Her brother' Toothless chimed in. 'He disappeared a long time ago.'

"Someone care to fill me in here?" Hiccup waved his hand around.

"Maybe in a minute," Oakley said.

"What? Why in a minute?" He wondered. His sister gestured over his shoulder. He spun around to see the entire gang flying in their direction, including Miss Hofferson.

"So I can fill them in too."

"Mom?" Astrid hugged her mother as she dismounted her Snafflefang. The older blonde reached out to Oakley, pulling her into the hug. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We wanted to help." Heather smiled. "It was Miss Hofferson's idea." She admitted.

"I couldn't let my girls face the big bad world alone now, could I?" Oakley and Astrid just threw their arms around the woman once more.

"Hello? Can anyone see me over here?" Hiccup wondered. The twins made their way over and enveloped Hiccup in a Thorston sandwich. "Not exactly what I had in mind." He rolled his eyes.

"It's okay," Ruffnut stated.

"Yeah, we still love you, Little Hiccy," Tuffnut added.

"Wait, Hiccy?!"

Oakley rose her arms in front of her and parted the twins as she approached her brother and gave him a sisterly hug.

"We'll find her, Hiccup." She whispered in his ear as his arms snaked around her and held tightly. "I promise."

"I hope you're right."

"Wait..." Oakley pulled away from the hug and took a deep breath.

"Oak, are you okay?" Lotus checked.

"Stormfly, are you getting that?" The brunette wondered. The Nadder sniffed around curiously.

"Okay, not creepy at all..." Snotlout cringed as Oakley ventured back towards Stormfly.

"I don't smell anything," Astrid said. Oakley knelt down beside the small puddle of blood. Stormfly spun around towards the center of the island.

"Keep going east? Got it." Oakley confirmed. She stood from the ground and turned towards the group. "We'll search the island on foot." Stargazer let out a worried whine. Oakley stroked her dragon's head in an attempt to calm her down. "We'll find him, SG. I promise."


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