Broken Promise

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"Astrid, watch your back!" Hiccup called to the blonde as Stormfly did a barrel roll to avoid a fiery blast.

"Thanks." She smiled gratefully as her dragon leveled off.

"Where's Oak? I don't see her." Hiccup worried. Astrid scanned the area and noticed the brunette landing on a small strip of ice high up in the fortress and immediately darted in her direction.

"Oak?!" She gasped, barely letting her Nadder land before sliding off of her and racing to her girlfriend as she coughed up a few more drops of blood, adding it to the small puddle already on the ground. "Are you-"

"I'm okay." She rasped, wiping her mouth.

"So much for no stress, huh?" The blonde thought.

"I'll be fine. It's the eclipse." She admitted. "I can feel it. It's making me feel all... Well, it's not a great feeling. It's certainly not helping."

The girls carefully made their way back to the opening, giving them a view of the entire battle.

*Ruff, Tuff. Free those dragons.* Oakley ordered.

*On it.*

*I'm on it first.* Ruffnut protested.

*Hiccup, Valka. You think you can separate those Alphas?*

*We're on it.* Hiccup assured.

Oakley quickly mounted her dragon and took off, with Astrid following close behind.


"NO!" They all cried as their alpha crashed to the ground, lifelessly.

"STOP!" Hiccup shrieked as he and his sister landed beside Drago, who let out a cackle.

"These are the great dragon masters?" He snorted. "The children of Stoick the Vast? What shame he must feel."

Oakley's fists clenched by her sides, turning bright red as her blood boiled.

"All of this loss, and for what?" Hiccup wondered. "To become unstoppable? To rule the world?" He added. "Dragons are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together."

"Or tear them apart," Drago mentioned as he unhooked his prosthetic arm. The Haddock children gasped in horror. "You see, I know what it is to live in fear. To see my village burned, my family taken. But even as a boy, left with nothing, I vowed to rise above the fear of dragons and liberate the people of this world."

"Then why a dragon army?" Hiccup and Oakley asked together.

"Well, you need dragons to conquer other dragons." He explained.

"Or maybe you need dragons to conquer people." Oakley scoffed. "To control those who follow you... and to get rid of those who won't."

"Clever girl."

"The world wants peace." Hiccup stated. "And we have the answer back on Berk. Just let me show you."

"NO!" The larger man bellowed. "Let ME show YOU." He swung his staff around and let out a loud battle cry, summoning his alpha closer. "No dragon can resist the Alpha's command. So, he who controls the Alpha," He used his staff to point towards the class ten Bewilderbeast before pointing to Hiccup's Night Fury. "Controls them all." The alpha gave the Night Fury a deadly glare, and as much as he tried to fight it, he couldn't resist his thrall, screaming and thrashing in pain.

"Toothless? You okay, Bud? What's going on?" Hiccup worried.

"Witness true strength. The strength of will over others." Drago smirked. "In the face of it, you are nothing!"

The Alpha finally took control and Toothless straightened up and turned on Hiccup.

"Uh, what did he just tell you?" Hiccup muttered, backing away from his dragon as he approached. "Toothless, what's the matter with you? What're you doing? Knock it off! Stop! Snap out of it!" He ordered. "Toothless, don't!"

"HICCUP!" Oakley cried, racing in his direction as Toothless charged a plasma blast.

"OAK! NO!"

The younger brunette leaped in front of Hiccup, knocking him out of the way, taking the shot.

Drago just laughed as Hiccup raced to his sister, shortly followed by his parents and all their friends as the dragons all followed the Alpha. Valka rested her head against her daughter's chest, letting out a sad sigh and shaking her head.

"No." Hiccup cried. Astrid raced over as fast as she could muster, dropping to her knees. The snow around her melted as the skies opened up and poured down on them. Lightning strikes flashed across the island and the ocean started to crash against the shore. "Astrid, she's gone." Hiccup sighed, attempting to calm her, though only making matters worse.

"No. She promised." Astrid declined. "Wake up! You promised!" She cried, shaking the brunette.

"Woah, is Astrid crying?" Snotlout questioned.

"How are we supposed to deal with that? Nobody ever prepared us for anything like this." Tuffnut added. Astrid let out a growl as a lightning strike landed a few mere inches from the twins.

"Wait!" Lotus gasped, racing to her daughter. "Astrid, you still have her magic?"

"Not nearly enough. I can't fight Drago." Astrid sobbed.

"Maybe you don't have to." Her mother mentioned. "Heal her."


"You both healed me." She added.

"Oakley healed you. I can't do it by myself." Astrid whimpered.

"Astrid, the magic is still there." Heather noticed. "She was always stronger with you. You just need to tap into that instinct." Astrid took a deep breath and held her shaky hand over the brunette's heart. A few seconds passed and nothing. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

"I can't." She sobbed, leaning down to plant a kiss on her girlfriend's lips. "I'm sorry." She was cold. Yet Astrid's lips suddenly felt warm. The heat traveled down towards her hand as it lit up in a golden glow.

"Astrid!" Heather gestured.

"I found it." She whispered. "Oak?" She gently brushed her hand over Oakley's cheek, watching as her bruises faded slightly, though not disappearing completely, her hand rested above Oakley's heart as the glow passed from one girl to the other. "Oak? Can you hear me?" She gently wiped her thumb across Oakley's lip. "Please hear me."

Oakley gasped for air as she coughed up what seemed like a pint of blood. The others all flinched in shock. Lotus quickly spun the girl onto her side to help her breathe.

"Hiccup?" She rasped as she finally caught her breath.

"I'm okay. I'm right here." He assured her, grasping her hand.

"Ast-" She coughed.

"I'm here." The blonde whispered. Oakley attempted to fight against her traitorous muscles and sit herself up, wiping the blood from her face.

"Take it easy," Valka suggested.

"Where's StarGazer?" She wondered as she attempted to blink the world back into existence.

"Drago." Hiccup explained. "He took all the dragons. They're on their way to Berk."

"We have to stop him." Oakley pushed herself to her feet, holding tightly to Astrid as she caught her balance. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Oak, are you sure you're up for this?" Astrid worried.

"I'm ready." She assured. "Whatever he's got coming next, I'm ready." She said again. "You can mess with me all you want, but nobody and I mean nobody, messes with our dragons." She scowled. "Let's go."

"Oak, we're stuck here," Heather explained. "Drago took all of the dragons." Oakley turned to the Alpha, still laying lifeless against his fort of ice.

"Not all of them." She smirked as she slid her hand down into Astrid's and her entire body glowed.


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