Day off

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You asked for it.

Hope you enjoy :)


A week had passed, and they continued this routine, daily. This nightmare sure haunted Oakley more than she realized.

The riders had been preparing to attack a dragon hunter base they had discovered a few weeks back. And Oakley hadn't used her powers at all that week, at least not intentionally. But she was definitely making great progress, and she was darn proud of it.


Astrid stumbled into the clubhouse for breakfast, alongside Oakley. Both girls laughing hysterically at the joke Astrid had made about Snotlout.

'Awe, look guys it's Oakstrid!' Fishlegs teased. The riders laughed, all except Snotlout, of course.

Yes, this had also been a daily occurence. They wouldn't have minded so much if it wasn't making everyone suspicious.

'Haha, very funny Fishlegs.' Oakley rolled her eyes, sarcastically, before being handed a plateful of food.

'Where have you guys been?' Hiccup asked.

'We were on our morning flight.' Astrid told him. Which wasn't technically a lie.

'You're never this late for breakfast.' He added. Which was true, both girls thoroughly enjoyed their first meal of the day.

'We may have stopped for a chat.' Oakley fibbed. *Sorta* It wasn't technically a lie, they had planned to stop for a chat, they always planned to stop and chat. However, they usually ended up not saying much of anything, as they were often a little preoccupied.

'Sooo... What were you girls talking about?' Snotlout asked hopefully. '...Was it me?' *I know it was*

Both girls rolled their eyes and chuckled. *Yeah right*

'Oh, you know... just girl talk.' Oakley explained as she looked to Astrid, deserately trying not to smile.

'Yeah, you know... periods and things.' Astrid added in order to gross him out enough to get his nose out of their business.

'Eww... Sorry I asked.' Was his reply.

Astrid and Oakley both started laughing. *That'll teach him*

The riders all continued eating their breakfast while Heather made her way over to where Astrid and Oakley were sitting on the opposite side of the clubhouse.

'Okay... Spill!' She ordered, grabbing a nearby stool and making herself comfortable. 'What were you really talking about?' She asked.

Astrid and Oakley turned to each other before quickly looking back towards their breakfast, each holding back a smile as their cheeks turned pink.

'Actually...' Oakley began to explain. '... There wasn't exactly much talking involved.' She said quietly, as Astrid giggled.

'I knew it!' Heather stated a little too loudly before both of her friends shushed her, with their fingers over their lips before covering their mouths and checking to make sure nobody had overheard.
All three girls let out a chuckle before resuming the conversation.

'So I wanted to ask you...' Heather hesitated. 'Would you mind if I told Fishlegs?... He keeps bringing it up and I have been dodging around the subject as much as humanly possible.'

Astrid and Oakley looked at each other as if they could read each others minds. They both nodded in agreement. They still weren't ready to tell everyone, they were still getting used to it themselves, but Astrid knew Fishlegs, and Oakley had gotten fairly close with him over the last few months, they could trust him.

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