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Astrid could only stand and watch as the love of her life crash-landed in the vast ocean below. Stormfly let out a squawk before taking off without her rider.

"Stormfly?!" Astrid called. The Nadder ignored her. She hurried to the scene, where Toothless emerged from the freezing waters with Hiccup and Oakley on his back, while the other riders took out the remaining ships.

"It's okay, Girl." Hiccup reassured the concerned Nadder. "We got her." He clung tightly to his sister's motionless form as he raced back to the clubhouse where Astrid was already waiting impatiently. The other riders were hot on his tail.

He slid off the Night Fury with his sister in his arms. He placed her in Astrid's lap before turning to grab Snotlout by the tunic and dragging him and Tuff out of the room, followed by Fishlegs.
Heather and Ruff joined the young couple as the guys waited impatiently just outside the clubhouse.

"Astrid, keep her still," Heather ordered as Oakley shivered violently. Her lips and fingers a light shade of blue. "I need to get the arrow out."

Astrid nodded. She closed her eyes and within a few seconds, her skin began to heat up, providing a sense of warmth for the brunette in her arms. She let out a sigh and pulled the dagger from Oakley's boot and handed it to Heather. Heather didn't even question that the sixteen-year-old had a secret blade in her boot. She sliced the side of Oakley's shirt to access the arrow.

"The arrow isn't too deep," Heather noted.

"Do you think it was poisoned? I mean, I've never seen anyone react like that." Ruffnut proposed.

"Me either." Astrid agreed. The guys sauntered into the clubhouse, still facing the opposite direction, to avoid the snow that had returned with a vengeance.

'She's not completely human remember!'

"I know she's not," Astrid replied. Heather and Ruffnut looked towards Astrid with a look of absolute confusion.

"Not what? Astrid... Nobody said anything." Heather announced as she grasped the arrow tightly and yanked it out, quickly covering the open wound. Oakley's entire body began jerking violently. Astrid tried her best to calm her down. She looked around at her friends. Her Nadder nudged her arm.

'She'll be okay, Astrid.'

"Stormfly?" She whispered, curiously.

'Wait?!' Stormfly backed away. 'Can you hear me?'

Astrid nodded, staring in shock. The snow finally stopped, allowing Hiccup to rush to his hut, returning with a spare tunic.

'Star, get the antidote.' Stormfly squawked. The Stormcutter raced to Fishlegs and retrieved the container from his belt, returning it to Heather, who was wrapping a cloth around the brunette's waist, before covering her up with Hiccup's tunic.

'The arrow's not poisoned.' Stormfly cried. 'She's reacting to the dragon root!' Astrid grabbed the container but Heather quickly halted her.

"Astrid? What are you doing?" She asked.

"Losing my mind, apparently." She admitted as she poured the contents into Oakley's mouth. A few seconds passed before the young girl began to stir. "Oak?"

"Mmm," Oakley groaned, drowsily. Astrid let out a well-deserved sigh of relief.

"Thanks, Stormfly." She petted her dragon, gratefully.

"I'm so confused," Ruffnut stated.

"You're always confused," Heather added, earning a chuckle from the other riders.

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