Perfect Timing

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Please ignore my rushed drawing above x This chapter goes into detail about feminine subjects. If you don't like it, don't read it. Wasn't sure about this chapter but it was highly requested. Hope you enjoy :)


A few days had passed, and things were going great. The census was a blast, and even though Oakley wasn't allowed to take part in the big dragon show the riders had planned, she still enjoyed it.

Oakley was feeling much better, she was almost back to her old self, except the occasional headaches and sudden waves of nausea, which were fewer and further between but definitely still exercising their visitation rights.

Oh and of course the fact that she had no powers. She wasn't quite sure how she felt about it. After relying on her powers for so long, she was starting to feel a little useless without them. Although, she was slightly relieved to be relatively invisible again. Without her powers, most of Berk had no interest in her, even Snotlout. Which hurt her feelings a little, but she was just glad she could get some peace and quiet.

Everyone had started to come to terms with Astrid and Oakley's relationship, although the girls still refused to show any public displays of affection other than hugs and the occasional peck on the cheek.


Lotus had invited the Haddocks to join her and Astrid for dinner and had spent hours preparing. Astrid had been kicked out of the house for trying to help. Her mother was a perfectionist when it came to food, and couldn't risk Astrid messing anything up.

So, while Stoick and Hiccup were on chiefing duty. Astrid was catching Oakley up on training. Oakley had been out of commission for nearly a week now and was determined to get back on her feet.

Heather and Fishlegs watched intently, as Astrid and Oakley were in the arena working on close combat battle tactics. They were waiting to see if it would end as passionately as the last.

Astrid had Oakley pinned to the ground.

'Give up?' She giggled.

She felt Oakley giggle beneath her. 'You wish.' She quickly reversed Astrids move before standing up off the ground and offering Astrid a hand up. 'I'm just getting started.'

They continued training, dodging each attack. Astrid lunged forward to grab Oakley, causing her to jump over her in a somersault, still unaware of the other couple watching in amazement.

Oakley stuck the landing behind Astrid and quickly spun around to face her as Astrid did the same, before lunging once again.

'Oh, Playing dirty now, huh?' She joked as she lunged towards her acrobatic girlfriend, but instead of attacking she began to tickle her mercilessly to the ground. Heather and Fishlegs giggled.

'Astrid... That's so... Not fair!' Oakley couldn't contain her laughter, as a tear fell down her cheek. Before she knew it, Astrid had her pinned and was straddling her hips, the way Oakley loved.

*Here it comes* The other couple thought amongst themselves.

Oakley stared up at the beautiful woman sitting above her. It was happening again, she was slowly getting lost in those oceans eyes. She knew they were leading her into a trap and she followed willingly. She could have escaped at any moment, Astrid would free her if she told her to. She knew Oakley didn't like that trapped feeling. But with Astrid, it wasn't so bad.

Astrid slowly released her grip with one hand to cup her girlfriend's cheek, wiping her happy tears away with her thumb before leaning in for a kiss that they both knew was coming.

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