The hour that wouldn't end

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The riders all evacuated the arena Hiccup took off with Stoick and the other riders but not without several protests. The chief was putting his faith and his people's lives in his daughter's hands. Heather stayed on Berk, hoping her survivalist skills might help.

Astrid stormed through the village with her hair and hands lit up in crimson red flames, firing at anyone or anything in her path. Heather herded the Berkians into the great hall as Astrid stormed into the chief's house.

"What else are you hiding in here?" She growled to no one in particular as her Nadder joined her in the hut and gave her a concerned warble.

"Don't give me that look. Either you're with me or you're against me." She glared.

'I'm with you. Always.'

"Good. Now help me look." She ordered as she began rummaging through the chief's house.

After twenty minutes of ransacking, she hadn't found anything useful. Stormfly ventured to the farthest corner of the hut and squawked at the floor.

"What is it?" Astrid wondered as she lifted the fur rug to find a hidden trap door. "That's more like it." She smirked as she hopped into the hidden room below the hut.


"Oak, what the hell happened back there?" Heather wondered.

"I'm angry at Stoick. Astrid sensed it. Anger controls fire." She explained simply as she continued to check that everyone was present and uninjured.

"I meant you. Lying isn't who you are." Oakley shot her a look of confusion. "Your arm." She explained. "Besides, you've never turned into a black-eyed monster."

"She's not a monster!" Oakley hissed. "And why do you think I got locked up in the first place."

"Wait, really? What happened?"

"Okay, I can either stop my crazy girlfriend with uncontrollable firepower from tearing the village apart brick by brick or stand here and tell my best friend one of the most traumatic stories of my childhood," Oakley explained.

"Good point, bigger fish to fry."

"It looks like everyone's here," Lotus explained as she sauntered to the back of the hall where Oakley and Heather were stood.

"And everyone's okay?" Oakley checked.

"Phlema and Sven have a couple of burns. A few bruises here and there but nothing too alarming." The blonde explained.

"And Gothi is tending to them?" Lotus nodded. Oakley turned her attention to the Vikings bustling about the great hall. "Attention, everyone!" She called. Of course, Vikings being Vikings, chose to ignore the sixteen-year-old girl. Oakley spun around and grabbed a large hammer off of the back wall and slammed it into the table, breaking it in half. Everyone spun to the young teen.

"Look, most of you don't really know me. I get that, I could've tried harder to get to know you guys too. But, right now I need you all to listen to me and do as I say or none of us are making it out of here."

"And why on earth should we listen to a little girl who's had no experience in a life or death situation?" Spitelout shouted from the back of the crowd.

"First of all, I've been in plenty of life or death situations. Second, I know those powers. I know their triggers. I also know Astrid. Her strengths, her weaknesses."

"Pfft, Astrid Hofferson doesn't have weaknesses." The Jorgenson scoffed.

"She's only human." Oakley shrugged. "Besides, right now, she's not Astrid. She's me. Which means, my weaknesses are her weaknesses. And if that's not enough for you. Neither Stoick nor Hiccup are on the island, and since I'm now of legal age, that makes me acting chief until they return. So, shut up and do as I say."

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