Extra Scene 1: Tododeku break up

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So I've been thinking since I left out this important detail I might as well include it separately, it's gonna be short cuz why not.

"Midoriya..." I whispered, it was the middle of the night, but I know he wouldn't be asleep by now. Ever since he's been turned he's been having trouble sleeping at night. It was a side effect that would go away after a year or two but I think he's gotten used to it.

"What's wrong, Todoroki?" Midoriya asked me while closing the notebook he was just writing in. He was always a hero junkie and would write a bunch of side notes for one of his favorite cartoon hero's.

This was something I couldn't put into words, but I've learned something in these past few months, I don't want to be with Midoriya anymore. It was something hard to admit even for myself, the couple years we've spent as an item together are always going to be memories I'll keep close in my heart, but I think it's about time.

I've fallen out of love with him and I don't think I can go back.

"I'm sorry, but..." it was difficult enough to say it to myself in a mirror and now that I'm in front of the boy that needs to hear this the most is even harder. Why must these words be so painful to come out?

"It's okay, just spill it, I don't mind." He takes one of my hands in both of his own and with a pitied smile that I knew meant he had heard what I was thinking. It was almost as though this was something he had expected, that he's created this very scenario in his head over and over until the feeling of leaving each other would become numb enough for him to not even shed a tear.

"I don't want to..," the words aren't there, but he continues to hold my hand as his way of encouragement. "I feel the same as I used to when we're together, it's as though that once burning desire to be by your side every second of the day has diminished only to leave an empty space that wants to be filled in.." 

His thumb begins to rub small circles on my knuckles, it was a comfort habit he's done many times in the past, it has always worked, even now. "I'm guessing you've already found someone to fill in." He doesn't sound sad or disappointed like how I thought he'd be, but maybe deep down he is and he just doesn't want to show it as way to tell me that he's strong. Even though I already know that he's strong just by letting me voice these words aloud when he's heard them in my head.

"You aren't mad? I've turned you into a vampire with the expectations of spending the rest of our lives together." This was an act I've surely believed I would never be forgiven of, I have disrupted the cycle of human life just to be with him and in the end it was of no use.

"And I'm okay with it, we can still be friends, I like the way I am now, I can meet so many people." I guess he was right, there could be someone else for him in the next century, but that doesn't excuse my actions. "It's late, I think it's time we sleep." He yawns and let's go of my hand.

In my bed, all I could think about was how forgiving he was for my actions. I'm glad.

Told ya it was short

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