15- Lets Buy A Yukata!

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Yes yes I know the sudden change of
Omg Bakugou's is being abused
Wow buying clothes again
But trust me, we'll get back to angst literally next chapter but I need some comic relief

Yes yes I know the sudden change of Omg Bakugou's is being abused ToWow buying clothes againBut trust me, we'll get back to angst literally next chapter but I need some comic relief

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Also Shindo and Kami chapter so yay
Bakugou POV

Since it's still pretty early in the day, around twelve in the afternoon, and Shindo, Kaminari, and I don't have any festive clothes for that festival tomorrow, us three decided to go buy some for us.

Luckily I snagged some money at my moms place, I'm just a few dollars short so I'll have to borrow some, but it's a lot better than taking all of their money. I've been taking lessons from Midoriya and Kaminari(which im too lazy to write about) and my skills are near perfection so I'll be applying for a job soon.

This way, they won't have to spend any money on me anymore.

"So what color do you think my Yukata should be, I'm thinking yellow but at the same time orange would go with my hair." Kaminari rants, he's abnormally more excited about this than other stuff.

"I'm just going with plain black, it'd be the easiest to find." Shindo says, he turns to me, "What about you, Bakugou?"

I'm not really sure about the color, "Whatever catches my eye I guess." I'll just find out when I get there, it's best not to get my expectations too high when looking for something.

While we walk our way through town, because I do not trust these two with a car, guess who we run into. Yeah, that purple haired mother fucker.

"I'm sorry but I have fucked no mothers." He fucking read my mind, great, amazing. Fucker. "Someone's got an attitude, don't worry, I didn't plan to approach you, we just so happen to cross the same path."

Too big of a coincidence but okay bitch.

Shindo chuckles, I'm just going to assume he read my mind too. Kaminari glares at the guy, as we just so happen to walk to the same mall, but we parted ways once we went inside.

Thank god.

"That guy, he's kinda weird." Shindo comments as we walk into the store.

I notice how Kaminari is silent, what's wrong with him?

Kaminari runs off to go find that yellow or orange yukata he wants while Shindo and I stay over here where the more plain colors are. I'm not looking for anything too flashy, maybe navy blue or dark green actually I think I'll go with with dark red.

Yeah, that sounds nice.

"Bakugou, you think I should go with dark grey instead, or moody grey, Dior grey, warm grey, calming grey, or maybe beige grey. Oh wait how about—"

"Why the hell are there so many fucking shades of grey?! Just pick one!" Why is this guy so fucking picky, it's just a fucking color!

I sigh and continue to look for a dark red one, I ignore Shindo's rant about all the variations of grey, it's not like I really care about that.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now