13- We'll Help You

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"When things are hard
You can lean on me and rest
I wanna be on your side all your life
And understand you" —' I'll Try' , DAY6

"When things are hardYou can lean on me and restI wanna be on your side all your lifeAnd understand you" —' I'll Try' , DAY6

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And I mean NOBODY look through my old stories
I cringe when I look at them

Also remember
This book took a turn
Good or bad we will see
Dabi POV

I vomited.

It was unavoidable for me to stop it, I had to. All those memories of years ago come crashing down on me, I never wanted to remember them again but memories are engraved into ones mind and will always come back.

I don't care if this is someone else's house, I don't care if the bathroom smells afterwords, but vomiting is something that helped me. It feels like km throwing away unwanted emotions, unwanted memories.

Finally, it stops. I flush it all down and use the mouth wash that was on the sink, now like they'd notice it's been used.

This damn family, they deserve more then pain...

I go back into the room, it's eerily quiet inside. No one spoke, no one moved, everything is still. But the booming voice that calls us down made everyone flinch, and so the eerie silence is gone and fills with footsteps that walk down the stairs.

Bakugou's friend notices the change in atmosphere, her worry glances towards us goes unnoticed by most of us but few saw. She sits next to Bakugou, whose mother sits to the right of him.

Bakugou POV

"So, has Katsuki been a bother to anyone?" My mom asks them, it's a little embarrassing that she's asking this so openly with my consent.

I feel Mina hold my hand tightly, she's worried, I don't want her to waist her time on that, it's entirely pointless. It's not like she'll stop if I tell her though.

"I would never think he would be a bother ma'm." Shindo replies, it's the most formal thing I've heard from him.

"Does he clean and cook?"

What's with the questions...dad isn't even saying anything about it, he used to try and make her stop. What the hell.

I can see Kaminari's grip on the fork tighten, the skin of his knuckles turn white.

"He does, we all help with the cleaning, and Bakugou is the only one who can cook but we try to play our part as well." Deku says, his tone is surprisingly scary, it's almost as if his threatening her.

Mom puts on hand on my head, ruffles my hair and gives it a light pull. That means she's satisfied with their answers, that's good. They've managed to get on her good side for now.

"Katsuki's always been a pain in the ass so I'm glad your satisfied with him."

Quit making me sound like an object...

"May I ask a question, Mrs. Bakugou?" Kirishima says, he puts his utensil down and looks at my mom in the eye.

They both state down at each other, "Go ahead,"

Kirishima sighs, "What happened on the day Bakugou left this home?"

Why out of all the things he could've said, it had to be that one..

"Well, for starters, Katsuki was able to collect enough money for a studio apartment, he said that he wanted to save up for a bigger one but I didn't allow it. He's a grown man, he needed the experience, but he didn't want to leave. So I had to knock some sense into him, after some convincing he left. That's all."

Everyone's face is full of shock, some glares others looks like they are about to cry. The hell is wrong with them?

Kirishima POV

'Knock some sense into him'

That's doesn't sit well with me at all, they must've had a fight before he left.

A physical one.

And Bakugou keeps acting like it's something a normal parent does, has this occurred multiple times before?

Bakugou...are you being abused?

"Mom, let's stop talking about that, it's in the past." Bakugou tries to change the subject but his mother doesn't seem to want to let it go. With the hand that's still on his head, she tightens the grip she has on his hair.

He visibly flinches but otherwise doesn't acknowledge it, but Todoroki did.

"I think it would be best if you keep your hand off his head. He may not say anything but I cannot stay silent about this."

She slowly takes her hand away, her mood darkens, "I believe it's time for you to leave, I would like Katsuki to stay, we need to catch up."

"I don't think so miss, come Bakugou, Ashido, you too." Shindo demands us.

Bakugou POV

With Mina still holding onto my hand, we all leave the house. The lunch and dinner date didn't last as long as I hoped it would, I just wanted them to get to know my mom. They just got on her bad side is all.

"Bakugou, I don't think it's safe for you to have contact with your mother anymore." Kaminari says, as we drive back to our house.

"Huh? Why not?" I barely even speak with her anyway.

Mina gives a sigh, "Your mother is a bad influence in your life."

No...she isn't...is she?

My mom is only looking out for me, dad says that she's worried, that's why she was asking those questions, that's why she wanted me to stay.

She's just worried about me.

"No she's not, Bakugou, she's abusive, mentally and physically." Shindo says.

I can't just believe that, she isn't abusive, it's normal, it's just discipline, every parent does that.

"You need help, Bakugou, we'll help you, okay?" Kaminari speaks in a gentle voice.

...I don't need help, I'm doing just fine, everything is fine. They're just looking down on me. They probably think I'm weak, well I'm not.

"Bakugou, your mother don't worried about you, if she was then she wouldn't have kicked you out when you needed her the most. We aren't looking down on me, you are strong, but what you need right now is help and we're here so let us help you."

My sight gets blurry, my tears corner my eyes and eventually falls as I try to blink them away. I wipe my eyes trying to stop crying but I just couldn't. Why am I feeling this way? My body feels so relieved to have people willing to help me, but from what?

I don't understand...

"I want it...I want your help, help me, please..."

But I wanted it so bad.

I needed it...


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