28- Convincing Them

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Bakugou may or may not have made the biggest mistake in his life, I'm sure we can all agree

Bakugou may or may not have made the biggest mistake in his life, I'm sure we can all agree

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I'm excited to end this thing, I'm getting lazy writing the chapters
Bakugou POV

"I didn't expect you to agree so easily, thought I'd have to bribe you or something." Mina said with suspicion, "Could it be someone you like is going?" Now that wasn't one of her brightest guesses, but it's not like I could really tell her much of why I'm really going.

"Can't I just party for once, I like my roommates but they get annoying after a while." This is the most in character response I can come up with on the spot. Mina is smart so it's not like she doesn't know my tolerance to people.

She takes a sip of her smoothie, "I see, Bakuhoe, I know you like the back of my hand, practically raised you, so don't think I don't know when you lie."

Damnit, she caught on. Told ya she is smart, but she doesn't ask me for any real reason on why I want to join her, which is something I'm glad for. She probably thinks it's for extremely personal reasons, which it isn't really, but it's nice of her to be cautious about it.

"You don't find them annoying one bit, in fact, I bet you're really happy to have them in your life, as cliché as it must sound." She laughs it off as a joke but I can't say this wasn't the truth.

I shake my head, "You sound like such a sap, moving on from the topic, you and that friend of yours can explore the place on your own. When we get to the party, we separate, there's someone there I need to talk to."

She gasps exaggeratedly, "I knew there was someone there you like!" She says loudly, I shush her and look around the café.

Deku and Kaminari were looking at our table from the register, they both look like they want to laugh. Ugh, I forget how embarrassing Mina can be when we go out together, it's been too long since it's been just us.

"Anyway, I should get going, Shindo is going to throw a fit if I don't get there in time to make his lunch." I say while getting up from the seat. I pick up my coffee and lead Mina out the café.

"Are you his personal maid or something?"

"No, I just told him I'd do it, as a thank you gift of sorts." Then when I actually think about it, "I guess that means I'd have to make one the rest as well..." I mumble to myself, that must the right thing to do. Why only make lunch for one when they all helped to do something.

Then again, I did lie a little to Mina, one that she wouldn't be able to tell if it was fake. Shindo actually begged all night to the point it was unbearable and just agreed, but thinking about it now it's only fair to serve everyone.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now