22- The One Who Follows

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I've always wanted to try those book QnA's but I low key doubt people would ask any questions

Next Sunday makes one month anniversary it's been a fun month, love all the criticism and all the comments it helps makes the story better***Shinso POV

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Next Sunday makes one month anniversary it's been a fun month, love all the criticism and all the comments it helps makes the story better
Shinso POV

Bakugou is speechless, did I come off too strong, desperate? Was I not supposed to be flirting, is that not how it works? I want to crawl into a corner and die so bad right now, this is embarrassing.

"Um..I'm sure you just mean as a friend right? Of course I can't just like only one friend though so you'll just have to deal with it." He chuckles about what I said and continued eating his curry.

Is—is he really that stupid?

Denki was right, this guy really is dense in the romance department. If he thought me literally asking him out was a declaration of friendship, then what did he think about that kiss with Denki.

I start to eat my curry, I really don't want to though, who knows how many germs that man out on here, but germs can't really affect vampires as much as they do human.

Geez, that vampire scent is becoming too strong, I've never smelt something like this before. They're close though, but I'm not sure where exactly are they.

"After this, I should probably get you home, it's getting dangerous." I suggest but of course Mr. I Run Into Danger Everywhere I Go doesn't want to leave just yet.

Not that I mind.

"I've been around those suckers for almost three months, I need a break." He sighs while drinking his water.

I smirk at him, "Does this mean you enjoy spending time with me?" He fake gags in disgust, damn okay then, I see.

"I just need some time away from them, you just so happen to give me free food." He smiles proudly at himself.

Yeah, I'm not sure if it was a good idea to follow your kidnapper around just because you got baited by free food, but here we are.

"Maybe, but you're still wanting to hang out even after the food."

He scoffs, "Only because I'm bored, not like I enjoy being here or anything." He crosses his arms with the smallest little pout and furrowed eye brows.

Oh god stop being like this.

I feel heat coming to my ears, "Please stop being like this, I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack." I touch the side of my chest where my heart is in exaggeration.

"Good, die."

"You're so mean to me." I whine playfully, so this must be what it's like to be friends with a human. They are such fun creatures, I should have given this a try sooner.

We walk around the city, the smell not going away but I can identify them much better now. They aren't a rogue but a wonderer, the ones who hunt every week for a meal, they dont kill, just drink. Much like Bakugou's roommates.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now