19- On That Night People Died

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Me: *makes a chapter that took 17 planned out chapters that all hinted of this happening with Kirishima saying 'can't let this happen again' somewhere around the first three chapters and the reason why everyone hates Shinsou even tho no one except Kirishima and Kaminari knows that he tried to kill Bakugou and then explain the reason why Kaminari hates Shinsou so bad with a sad backstory of his dead girlfriend *

The comments: "omg bakubottom", "kinky", "hope they fuck"

Me: 👁👄👁

Story time:My uncle walked in during a zoom meeting and started twirking, no one noticed but I was dying of embarrassment***Bakugou POV

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Story time:
My uncle walked in during a zoom meeting and started twirking, no one noticed but I was dying of embarrassment
Bakugou POV

Kaminari came back home, he didn't teleport back, he was walking the whole way, saying something about wanting to clear his mind.

Either way, tonight was exhausting, getting kissed and then getting kidnapped and almost got my ass stretched but we won't talk about that.

Right now, everyone is just attempting to go to sleep, but I personally am having a struggle with it. I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm thinking too much about it or something. The fact that I found out that Shinsou is kinky as fuck is certainly more unappealing than all that happened.

Let's try to look at the bright side, my ass is saved, in more ways than one, and Kaminari most likely resolved things with Shinsou.

I hope things just get better from now on, ever since that last visit with my parents things just went down hill. I kind of miss the fun times, now life just went to shit.

Wait, I need to call Mina to make sure she's okay...but it's almost three in the morning and she works at six tomorrow, I'll just have to call her on her lunch break or something. I don't need to disturb someone else's sleep just because I can't go to bed.

"Yo, Bakugou, can you like, stop thinking. Our beds are just one wall apart, I could hear you almost clearly, I can't sleep." Dabi says through my room door with a knock, he's not inside so his voice is slightly muffled through the door.

"Sorry." Okay, just go to sleep, that's it, just stop thinking for once.

Ugh, damnit, I can't, something is just keeping me up. I turn on the tv in my room, maybe watching a show might tire me out.

The channel it turns on to just so happens to be a new crime show that premieres tonight so I guess I'm lucky have catch it now. But just as they were going to show who the killer was, the show changed to the news.

The hell is so urgent that they had to change the show to this shit?

"Breaking news: Two bodies found dead in their home, neighbors report they saw someone going into the house, thinking it was  family or a friend, they thought nothing of it. It wasn't until they stepped out with blood covering their hands did the neighbors call police where the victims were found. So far, police is taking this as a vampire attack, the two bodies having bite marks on their necks and arms and stab wounds. The suspects identity is currently unknown."

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now