23- That Smell

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This is the part where you tell me who the main ship should be because this book ain't going anywhere until I get an answer

Y'all remember that old story idea? Well scratch that cuz I just came up with a new one, I'll tell you at the end***Shinso POV (been getting a lot of these lately)

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Y'all remember that old story idea? Well scratch that cuz I just came up with a new one, I'll tell you at the end
Shinso POV (been getting a lot of these lately)

"So, how was the date with blondie?" Monoma smirks at me as I walk into the building. I'm surprised Kendo hasn't killed him yet, he's been more fussy lately.

I feel my blush coming up, "It was fine, ran into someone though." I tell him.

Monoma suddenly seems to be more interested in the conversation, "Who was it?" He asks, a face full of curiosity.

"Remember Sero? Yeah, he's back in the city." I say in disgust. He wasn't always bad news, but few hundred years ago he killed vampires, and became a fugitive. Now he's more free because our population decreased over time but believe me, if he could kill his blood imagine his enemies.

"That wonderer who murdered his own family? What kind is he now?"

"Scavenger." I rub my eyes to take out the sleepiness from them. I've had a long day today, "I'm hitting the hay."

Bakugou POV

"Where have you been?!" Kirishima runs up to me before I could step foot inside the house. "We've been worried sick, but Todoroki said not to bother you! I was just about to go look for you!" He holds my shoulders, shaking me to emphasize what he meant.

"Sorry, I got distracted." I apologize, he better be grateful too, my apologies don't come easily, well now they do but before no.

He lets me inside but I'm immediately squished between five men in a hug. Ew, no, I hope they showered because germs are gross. Thank god Dabi didn't become apart of this hug that would be so off character of him.

When they let go, he settled for a head rub instead, which I don't mind that much, it feels good.

"It's been a whole three chapters without seeing you." Shindo said depressingly. We all look at him confused, three chapters? Okay, bud that's a little weird.

Dabi sniffs the air suspiciously, he get closer to me and does it again, sniffing down my neck. The weird feeling made me give a small whimper.


Quickly backing away, he asks, "What is that smell? Were you with another vampire?" Dabi says with disgust evident in his tone. He even scoffs at what he sniffed out.

"Yeah?" It's better to be honest, these guys have higher senses than I do so it's not like I could lie about that anyway.

Todoroki invited himself to take a whiff of my smell, "He got himself scented." He mumbled.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now