3-Moving In, or so I thought

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(Lol didn't expect 80 people to read this shet so quickly damn. Thank you)

Bakugou POV
Today I'm packing my stuff, I don't really have much though so it all fit in a gym back. It's been a week since I met most of my roommates, I only have two more left. I'm assuming they'll be here today when I unpack.

Sad, I know.

"Bakuhoe, Kirishima wouldn't shut up about you accepting the offer, he's super excited to have you as a roommate." Mina said as she passed one of my shirts to me.

"You make him sound like a fucking creep." It's true though, imagine hearing that some dude is excited to move in together.


I decided to let Mina drive me to the house, Todoroki offered if he could but I denied it. I didn't think it was right to have someone who I've only met once take somewhere, it's different with Kirishima though. We've known each other for some time but never actually talked.

"Bae, it's time, let's go!" I forget how impatient Mina gets when she's excited. She wanted to see all the 'hot' guys I'll be living with. She said that if I ever form a harem to tell her, weird but okay.

The car ride was filled with singing along to The Beatles and joking about high school. The house was surprisingly far from Mina's, about an hour drive. We didn't mind it, its  always interesting when we hang out.

Finally we made it to the place and it looks even better than last time I was here. The outside is decorated with balloons and banners, I could see a bit of the inside through the window and it was also decorated.

"Wow, they went all out, I could already see the harem forming!" She fangirled. I lightly hit the back of her head and growled. "Omg Katsuki turned to a werewolf!"


We playfully fought together until we were rudely interrupted by a knock on the window. I turn my head to see who it was, I never seen this guy before but I mistook him for Deku only for a second.

Mina rolled down the window, "Sorry, we'll be out now." She smiled nervously as we both stepped out of the car.

"Hi, I'm Yo Shindo, everybody calls me Shindo. I'm assuming your Katsuki Bakugou. Who's that friend ya got there?" He shook my hand, his skin feels abnormally cold even though it felt really got today.

I quickly let go of his hand, "She's Mina." He only nodded and walked us the the front door. This Shindo guy is really giving me some creepy vibes. I can tell even Mina felt it.

He opened the door and let us inside. On the couch I saw everyone I've met the other day chatting. Deku was on Todoroki's lap, which led me to assume they're dating, Kirishima was next to Kaminari, Shindo decided to sit on the arm of the couch. Damn, Deku scored a whole freaking model.

"Bakugou! I'm glad you made it, I was getting a little worried you wouldn't come back." Kirishima said while scratching his neck as he walked towards us. "Mina, good to see you again." He smiled, his teeth were sharp like a shark, makes me wonder if he actually is one.

"We've literally went to a whole mall two weeks ago Kiri, I know I'm amazing but no need to miss me too much."

Geez, conceited much. Don't worry, I know she's joking though.

While they were 'catching up' I decided to take his spot on the couch and sit between Tododeku and Kaminari.

Deku looks over at me and smiled, "Kacchan, how come you don't have much money, I thought your parents gave you $700 per month allowance." Deku asks.

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