Hey, sorry, bad news (edited)

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No I'm not discontinuing this story or putting it on hold
I've tested positive for COVID-19
It's not severe and I can breath just fine but my fever sucks bolas so yeah
How about once a week updates starting on Sunday
Just sounds more convenient for me considering my illness and the fact that I still kinda technically have school
How I got it, I'm not sure
Only time I leave the house is during doctor appointments
But I went grocery shopping with my grandma a few days ago and since then I've been feeling a little weird and suddenly got a fever on Turkey Day so we got tested
That's all, sorry

Edit: Since the people are being the kind people they are, I guess I'll put this on hold. Though this book is literally going to be over in like maybe ten more or less chapters, I will take the advice.
But the hold won't be for long that's for sure because I honestly have nothing better to do besides studying and writing this story.
But yeah, this is on hold for now I guess.

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