New Story, yee

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So I was just ya know thinking about finally putting out with this new story, of course bottom Bakugou cuz I cannot get enough of it

So here it is

So here it is

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Chad: oh wow....what is it

Glad u asked man, so Bakugou's dead.

That's it

Chad: but how?

Idk bitch find out urself it's literally revealed in the first two paragraphs damn

Anyways, Bakugou's kinda big dead and suddenly my Boi wakes up.

Omg how could this happen?

Bitch idk either but it did

And then Todoroki will be like 'oh wow a person'

Now their on an adventure

Aka the plot in a nutshell

Aka the plot in a nutshell

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His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now