12- How is that normal?

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Lol I love how some people are probably wondering about Bakugou's abuse and thinking
'Tf happened to that'
Well uh
It's here now

To satisfy the curiosity I shall focus on the abuse a little earlier than planned Because I want to tend to ur needsShall we begin?***Bakugou's pov

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To satisfy the curiosity I shall focus on the abuse a little earlier than planned
Because I want to tend to ur needs
Shall we begin?
Bakugou's pov

Mina and I both agreed to meet up today, so she came over here.

It's nearing afternoon by now, Dabi went out to hunt for the others while we all just chill in the living room watching tv or playing games.

"Damnit, I think this remote is busted, it won't let run shoot!" Kaminari complains as he smashes on the controled button.

"It's either that or you just suck, man." Laughs Kirishima, he ends up killing Kaminari in the game and Mina cheers him on.

I pay close attention to the gamers, but the constant vibration of my phone keeps distracting me from doing so. I get up from the couch, "Where you going?" Deku asks me.

"I'm just taking a phone call."

He nods and I walk to my room and check out my notifications. The majority of them are from my mom, she called me two times, the rest of my notifications are from games or social media.

Maybe calling her wouldn't do any harm, right?


She sounds agitated, what got her so angry?

"You're supposed to pick up the phone when a parent calls, for all you know it could've been an emergency."

Right, it's rare that she calls, they really could have been in danger for all I knew. Crap, I feel bad.

"Sorry, I was just busy.."

"For someone who doesn't have a job, just what could you be doing?!"

I flinch at her harsh tone, it's the one she uses when she's getting annoyed. Is she okay?

"I was hanging out with my roommates." It's not like I could lie and say I was practicing for work, that's really what I was doing.

"Oh right, I've only met one of your roommates, right? I'm surprised it was Izuku, how about bringing the others over, I want to make sure they treat you right."

She does? That's surprisingly new to hear from her, is she really worried like dad says she is?

I feel this odd feeling of happiness inside me, my stomach starts to feel funny too. My mom is worried about me...wow.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now