8- A Day With Chaos

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I try to divide each ship equally but I forgot Shindo existed and Kaminari keeps being a pussy and doesn't wanna talk

I try to divide each ship equally but I forgot Shindo existed and Kaminari keeps being a pussy and doesn't wanna talk

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Bakugou POV

Darn it, Kaminari warned me about these guys and biting. It's too late now, I've been bitten by two of them, what now? He said things would get ugly but why?

I get out of bed, I woke up pretty early so I doubt there's anyone awake considering they are most energetic at night.

And as I suspected, no one is in the kitchen, so they must be asleep still.

So, what to do...I'll just make my own breakfast. Those suckers are old enough to know how to make an egg, I hope.

Then again, Kirishima did say Dabi burned a salad somehow.

I got myself a plain bowl of cereal, I'm feeling a little lazy today so I'm not going all out. Mina should be awake now so I'll just give her a call, haven't spoken to her yesterday.

She answers the phone almost immediately after pressing call.

"Bakuboobies! How dare you not call me?! I called you like twenty times last night!"

Calm down bitch, damn.

"My bad, was just busy, anyways didn't we meet up earlier yesterday?"

"...anyways...how's the harem?"

She's so fucking extra, "What harem are you even talking about?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, poor oblivious Bakubutt."

"Okay, I'm gonna hang up now~"


She can get so annoying at times it's near impossible to bear it at this point. I finished my cereal and clean the bowl and spoon.

It's only been an hour but I'm already bored of it.

Just gonna nap here on the couch, fuck it.

(Idk what to write actually, this is a filler but idk what to do)

"Oh, Bakugou."

Guess not then.

Todoroki just came into the living room, he was dressed in fancy clothing but had a mask and sunglasses on, he also had make up covering his scar for some reason.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now