27- Innocence/A Party For Who?!

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Can't believe I forgot to tell u all I've tested negative for COVID just in time for holidays. Sadly I have to be in quarantine still but it's better than nothing. I'm still fatigued and all but I feel better.

That moment when you've spent all week working on the last chapter but didn't even bother to write all the other chapters leading up to the last***Todoroki POV

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That moment when you've spent all week working on the last chapter but didn't even bother to write all the other chapters leading up to the last
Todoroki POV

As I drive Bakugou and I to the police station, I begin to worry, what if Shinso turning in his friend won't prove Bakugou is innocent? I know that when the police has their eye on someone, chances are they'll stick to their first suspect. Bakugou just so happens to be that person, but maybe if we somehow have this friend show their fangs or something then it can be fixed.

"It's only fair you actually tell me who we're going to see." Bakugou said, he sounds irritated with me, possibly because I'm stalling my own words to him. He is a curious human who would always find out what it is he wonders, but getting information from another person is more difficult than finding it out on your own.

"Fine then, it's Shinso." There is nothing more to say other than that, hopefully this would prove satisfactory to him so we can continue our drive in peace instead of this angry atmosphere Bakugou has put up.

Bakugou presses his face on the window, winter is coming soon, so the window is fairly chilly so I would understand just why he did what he did. If I wasn't driving I would do that same, although my body was trained to deal with low temperatures, I wouldn't mind a bit of cold.

"I just want to be able to walk around with the cops looking at me like I stabbed their dick in half." He says sarcastically, I know Bakugou has a ....unique way to form a conversation but this was very much so new. Lately he's been saying things about chopping mens private parts and stuff.

"They are persistent and cautious of a potential murderer, it's their job to be on high alert when near a suspect." They've always been like this, I of all people would know. My brothers and sister have been chased down by the police before due to being what we are, it lasted until we had no choice but to kill them.

Bakugou thinks to himself, I don't bother to listen though, sometimes he thinks about matters that should only be to himself. He tends to forget what is creatures can do, even in this car, I can do whatever I want to him and he'd have no choice but to go along with it.

That's just how things work.

"Bakugou, we've made it, let us go." I get out of my car and go on to the passenger side to open the door for him but he beats me to it and does it himself. I always known he was the independent type but I want to do something for him for once, even if it's just opening a door.

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