16- Toro Nagashi Festival

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This is based on a real festival that takes place in Japan
I'll give a brief explanation on what it is but if you already know just skip this part

This festival originated in 1946 after the U.S bombing attack. It is a way to commemorate the lives lost and has become a tradition ever since. They set lanterns in the water(I know in a chapter I said sky but meant water whoops) because of the theory that humans evolved from the ocean, it is a way to guide the spirits to heaven.

So yeah, enjoy.

P.S I'm running out of Bakugou nicknames for Mina
Bakugou POV

"Bakubottom!" Mina shouts as she jumps on me to give a hug. I catch up but I almost fell because of how suddenly it happened.

Right now, everyone is getting dressed for the festival and I asked Mina if she could take me to that place from yesterday to pick up my kimono.

"You're in your kimono already?" I ask her, the festival doesn't start until another two hours and she's got the whole outfit ready and everything!

"Duh, I want us to leave that place on style." She says as she flips her short curly hair with sass, she turns on her car and off we go to get my new clothes.

I lean back in the passenger seat, I wonder why we're going to a festival like this one, it's not the most happy go lucky one you'd see in anime. It's basically a festival dealing with death, and Kaminari out of all of them was the one who suggested it.

"Bakushit, I'm a little curious on how you ended up with a girl kimono instead of a male one." Mina laughs, probably guessing how the kimono would look like on me. I swear she can't go a day without a little teasing.

"They didn't have the color I wanted for men so I went with one for girls." I cross my arms and speak in a 'matter of fact' tone.

"Are you really that stubborn? I mean, I knew you were but I didn't think your pride has stooped this low."

"My pride didnt 'stoop that low' I just really wanted a red kimono."

I'm already regretting asking her to take me, should've brought one of the guys with me instead, they are at least slightly more bearable than she is. Not trying to be rude, but I have low patience.

"Welcome back, sir. Oh! So you don't have boyfriends, this must be your girlfriend then! It's an honor to meet you, miss." The same lady who did the fitting greeted, Mina and I are used to being called a couple considering how close we are so neither of us denied her claim.

It's not like I'd ever see her again.

"Tsu, you don't remember me? It's Mina Ashido from high school, we literally dated for like six months." I can't help but notice the small disappointment and shock in her voice. She must have feelings for this chick still.

(Not my ship idea btw it's my sisters, I think Mina is better off single)

'Tsu' was left thinking, I suck my teeth and walk further into the place, I look for the other fitting lady and ask her for my clothes. "You're lucky we had just finished it, try it on now, your chest shouldn't feel as tight anymore."

I give her a nod and take the kimono.

I get dress just like last time, no women helping me though. She was right, my chest feels much better than yesterday, I'm glad it was just a minor change because then this would've taken longer than it needed to.

I come out of the dressing room and meet....that mother fucker.

We both awkwardly stare at each other, him wearing his own yukata which was a dark purple color with minimal designs.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now