2-Shoto Todoroki

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Fuck you...Kirishima.

Making me win over a famous model for money, what is he, my sugar daddy?! No! Ew! I mean I'm gay but I'm not into that stuff. But Kirishima won't let me live with him unless I do this.

So, here I am, in line, with Kirishima, waiting to buy this soba, that's coming from Kirishima's pocket, that I would pay back later.

Gosh, I haven't even move in yet and I'm already calculating the debt I'll be in.

Speaking of Kirishima, he looks paler than before. Like his usual tan skin turned to vanilla white in a matter of seconds, is he sick? Was today a bad day to set this up? Damn it, would I have to pay for his medicine too?! Whatever, as long as I don't mention it, I didn't notice it. That's how life works, sadly.

Ugh, this is all Mina's fault, if I end up dead I'm haunting her.

"Okay, dude, lets get to the car." He said with a smile as we walked out the store.

"You had a car and yet we walked to a store..?" I'm tired, not just physically, I'm tired of this bullshit. It really sucks to be broke, if I had money I wouldn't be in this mess. We walked all the way to his car back at the coffee shop, he wouldn't shut up during the whole walk.

He unlocked the vehicle that looked expensive as fuck! Damn, I wish I had money right now. His car was black but it was shiny, almost as if he just bought it. Don't get me started on the inside, I didn't notice this shit was a whole fucking Tesla! Okay, rich guy alert! Am I really going to be living with a bunch of rich people? Huh...

Kirishima turned on his car, everything looks so complicated here I would never figure out how to use this thing.

"Got a license?"

"Huh?" Was he saying something, I wasn't really listening. I'M TOO FOCUSED ON LOOKING AT THIS WHOLE FUCKING TESLA! He repeated his question again. "Of course I have a fucking license." Why is he asking anyways?

"Great, I'll teach you how to drive this car if you want?


"I'm good, not planning on going into more debt then I have to."

"I'm not going to make you pay me, its for free."

Free? Ha! A guy with money is going to teach me to drive a Tesla for free?! That's way too good to be true, "Surely there's a catch." I'm determined to know just what the hell is going on in that dyed red head of his.

He laughed, "Ya got me! Yeah, the catch is, you have to move in witch us."

Manipulation is the key to win all deals, and Damn if he got me! "Fine! I'll sign whatever paper ya want, just promise no charge for the lessons!" I held out my pinky finger to seal the deal with him. This isn't childish, it's manly!

"A pinky promise, dude, I don't think that's how you close a deal, kinda cute though. I'll do it!" He locked his finger with mine and we're off! Wow, damn it I feel like such a gold digger right now, damn Mina and her rich friends!

This is the last time I take advantage of their money, the moment I get a job again and get a paycheck, I'll be ready to be on my own. For now though, it wouldn't hurt to enjoy this a bit...would it?

Eijiro's POV lol
Bakugou seems really desperate for a place to live, but he's a little stubborn to take Todoroki's money to pay off his half of the rent. I know for sure Todoroki wouldn't mind it, but I was able to put him in a corner that he's have no choice but to accept the offer! I saw the way he was eyeing the car, little did he know this was actually Todoroki's, I kinda stole it. There's no way I'd be able to afford this beauty!

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now