A re-write?

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Hey y'all... I am taking the time to write this because this has been in my mind for months now.

I am considering doing a re-write of this story. At first, this was just something I wrote to keep me entertained during quarantine, but seeing just how many people read this story, I want to be able to write it how I originally intended to.

This story has cliff hangers, random plot twists that was put in just to make things interesting, and an ending that was rushed and out of place.

I didn't want that.

I didn't want this to end with the pairing the way it did, in case you didn't notice, it was intended to be a Kamibaku ending. But I decided to let the readers choose the ending and it ended up ruining the build up I made for Kamibaku.

That was my mistake entirely.

I also changed Bakugou to become someone who depended on others to save him, and that was because I read a lot of fics around that time that influenced my writing a lot.

Again, I don't want that anymore.

So I am going to make a new version of this story. I'll still keep this one up.

But I plan on having the new one already fully—or at least half—written before release.

So it will take a while before actually coming out.

I appreciate all the support given to this version of the story, I'll never forget the amount of fun I had while writing this.

Please read this new version once it has come out. It will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for the support, and thank you for your amazing and funny comments. I always go back to them to have a laugh. 🤣

Farewell for now!!

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now