4- Quickly Forgiven

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(To the two that spammed this that made this go to almost 100 comments in just three chapters, I love u lol I laughed too much at those)

(Also anyone got any good bakubottom fanfics cuz I've read so many I can't find much anymore)

Bakugou pov

It's only been a week but I decided that it's about time to leave Mina's place, for real this time. I also left my stuff over there so I'm wearing the same clothes, they're washed of course, I'm not disgusting. 

Mina is still a bit protective but I don't give a damn at this point. It was all just an accident, that dunce face couldn't control his appetite so he tried to bite me. I'm fine with that, if I end up dead then it's my fault for trusting these guys. I feel like such a burden to Mina, it's best if I move out as soon as I could.

So, I walked to town and stopped by that coffee shop Deku and Kaminari works at. I hope they have a shift today because then what I'm doing is useless.

The bell Thor the door jingled as I walked in, luckily I saw Deku by the register taking an order from some brown haired girl and Kaminari looks to be on break since he's in his phone.

This is my chance.

"Hey, stupid."

He looks up from his phone but the moment he saw me he looked away.

"I'm talking to ya, you dunce."

This dude isn't going to acknowledge me anytime soon damnit. I'm getting way too frustrated to deal with this shit right now.

"Fine, be like that if you want, but I only came here to tell you I'm officially moving in today, I don't care about what you did it doesn't bother me anymore. Just watch out if you lose control again."

I actually wanted to have a formal conversation with this guy but it didn't seem like that going to happen anytime soon. He's still ignoring me so I left.

Since Mina isn't with me right now I have to take the bus and then walk to rest of the way there, sucks but I don't care.

While I walk to the bus stop I heard some sort of scream, there aren't many near by so I think I'm the only one that heard it. Fuck the bus, this person is obviously in trouble.

Like any cliché story, they were in an alley, and like any classic vampire story, I just so happen to run into another vampire. His hair is purple and he looks tired as hell. He's holding a women against the wall and sucking her blood, she's gone, there's no use in saving her but the guy already sensed my presence so it's too late to leave now.

"Hey, you didn't see anything."

I expected him to give a more aggressive approach but this is fine too. "I'm going to have to report this to authorities, I know your face so there's no use to resist."

"I can smell vampire on you, have you come in contact with one before?"

That's none of your bees wax bitch.

"Yes..?" Please leave me alone now, I just want to move in a simple house in peace for once. It's like god doesn't want me to live a semi normal life for once, ugh.

The vampire lazily shrugged, "Guess I'll just have to kill you then."

Wait, what.

"WoahWoahWoah! What the hell?" This is what I get for trying to play hero, isn't it? And the damn lady is dead anyway so why the fuck am I still here?! "L-let's make a deal, I stay silent about this and we both go on with our lives—"

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now