24- ShindoKiriBaku Day 1

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Still need people to say what the main ship should be, polyamory is also a choice just so you know

Still need people to say what the main ship should be, polyamory is also a choice just so you know

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Happy one month anniversary, although it was yesterday (Nov. 29)
Bakugou POV

"Rise and shine, you naughty boy~"

That is not really the first thing you would expect to hear when you wake up in the morning. And yet here we are, with Shindo hovering over me with a big smile on his face. Not the face I want to see when I wake up.

"Get the hell off me." I demand of him, but he stood his ground, I just shove him off causing him to fall on the floor.

Ha, suffer, bitch.

"Anyway, what do you want to do together?" Shindo asks me with excitement.

I groan, "You do know Kirishima is here too, also, no way am I only staying here with you two." His smile turns to a frown, I know for sure that this man right here is a pervert, I always feel him eye fucking me whenever we're alone. It's kind of uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" He asks disappointingly, I feel a little guilty but I know this is for the better.

"I asked if Mina could come over today, she's not available tomorrow though." Sadly.

He gives a sigh, I leave the room and go use the bathroom, Kirishima is here too, he's brushing his teeth. Being the decent person that I am, will not use the toilet even though my bladder wants to, but I will brush my teeth with him.

"G'mornin, Bakugou." He says with the toothbrush in his mouth. He sounds super tired, he probably slept late, this greeting is much better than Shindo's though.

"Morning." I start to brush my own teeth.

It's only been twenty minutes since I woke up but I'm already pretty bored. Maybe if Mina were here things would be more exciting, Kirishima and her are good friends so that would be a factor, Shindo might be left out.

"I'm done, want anything, I learned how to make a pretty bad ass fried egg." Kirishima brags, fried egg is really easy, but considering his cooking normally sucks balls I guess his fried eggs might be good.

He leaves the bathroom to go make them, that leaves me on my own. I spit the toothpaste and rinse, I use some mouthwash and didn't forget to satisfy my bladder before washing and leaving.

Shindo and Kirishima were enjoying some of the egg that he made way too quickly for it to be fried properly, armatures. I joined them and reluctantly ate the egg that tasted super salty, what the fuck.

*knock knock*

I hurry and finish up the last piece of the egg and go answer the door. Mina gives me a quick hug before allowing herself come in like she owns the place, typical of her nature.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now