21- A Lunch Date?

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Guess whose washing machine started leaking and water came into every room in the house so we had to clean the whole house and throw stuff away vea a use of how soaked it is

Guess whose washing machine started leaking and water came into every room in the house so we had to clean the whole house and throw stuff away vea a use of how soaked it is

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Incase u want to know how much story is left, i would say another two arcs
Bakugou POV

"Are you sure you're okay?" Todoroki asks me, in fact they've all been asking me the same crap since yesterday.

"I'm fine, in fact I haven't felt this great in years." I say in a matter of fact tone. I'm not lying at all, I feel amazing right now.

"What do you mean?"

I think about it, how exactly do I phrase it without confusing him. "I don't know what you'd call it, I guess free? Like a weight's been lifted from my shoulders." That's probably the best way to say it, I always thought that mom and dad were good, but honestly looking back it, I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't know they were abusers sooner.

That doesn't mean I don't morn their death though, they are still my parents, I lived with them for 19 years, so of course I'm a little heartbroken for them.

Just a little.

"Anyways, hope no one minds if just walk around the city right? Not like I care what you fuckers think 'cause I'm going either way." I said to Todoroki, rude I know, but it's not really his business where I'm going.

Mostly because I don't know where I'm going.

He doesn't say anything back so I'm going to guess he doesn't mind me leaving. I get out of the house, the city is like thirty minutes away, but luckily there's a bus stop around here. No way am I walking for that long.

I sit at the bench of the bus stop and wait. I went on my phone, maybe I could find the bus schedule, if I have to sit here for an hour I'm leaving and just gonna walk.

Good, just about a twenty minute wait, I hope it stays that way.

"Hello there." I turn to see the one and only Shinsou, that guy is everywhere I go lately.

"Hi." I could tell this interaction is going to be extremely awkward. He sits down next to me, his expression is slightly flustered, wonder what's up with him. "Are you...okay?"

He looks to the side away from me with a hand on the back of his neck, "I-I notice how you're by yourself...today...c-can we..eat out together? I-I mean, if you want...to.."

Do I have to pay?


If the food is free, I'm in, mostly because I'm still broke as fuck.

I've been borrowing money from Todoroki after I stole from my own house. I say borrowing because I'm going pay him back when I get that job at the cafe.

"Good then."



This is so fucking awkward, why the hell are you like this dude! Shinsou's expression turns from a red faced mess to offended, oh right mind readers. My bad, not really though.

His Vampire Harem (Bakubowl)//lol idk\\Where stories live. Discover now