chapter 4

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Ashlyn's POV

I saw a man with a black body suit on sprawled across my mom and dads bed. Mom quickly grabbed her keys and then it hit me.


Mom: WHAT!

I quickly jumped on the bed beside the black body suited man and pulled off his mask. it was exactly who I thought it was.

Ashlyn: It's dad; mom look see it's dad

Mom: Oh my god; really Charlie a sexsuit?

Dad was out cold. From the looks of it mom threw a lamp at dad to knock him out cold.

Ashlyn: wow mom

Mom: who is this

I looked behind mw to see a "shocked" Kiara standing there

Ashlyn: mom this is Kiara. She's new here and we are really close.

Mom: oh well nice to meet you Kiara

Kiara: It's a pleasure to meet you too.

Ashlyn: she needs a place to stay for the night

Mom: well I guess she can stay here

Kiara: thank you

Mom: anytime; you guys go have fun I'm gonna try to wake up dad

Me and Kiara both laughed as mom was poking dad. We walked down the hall back to my room and she sat down on my bed.

Kiara's POV

I don't know what's going on with me. Part if me wants to use Ash, and the other half of me to be with her. I slowly drift out my thoughts and pull Ashlyn close to me on the bed.

Kiara: look I know what I did was crazy, but when you kissed me I felt a spark. Have you ever felt that spark?

Ashlyn: yeah, but I never said anything to that person they kicked me out their house.

Kiara: was that person me?

Ashlyn: yep

Ashlyn leaned up close to my face and kissed my cheek. When she pulled away she took a deep breath and she said something amazing.

Ashlyn: can I ask you something?

Kiara: of course

Ashlyn: do you maybe want to go on a date?


Ashlyn lifted me up and twirled me around into a hug. I was finally happy for once.

A Forbidden Love (lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now