chapter 6

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Kiara's POV

"Holy shit" I said in my head as I turned around to see an older man With brownish grey hair. He stood tall and looked like a grandpa.

Kiara: he...hello sir

Principal Marks: good day young lady. I haven't seen you in my School before; are you new?

His voice was stern like the general of of an army, and he didn't seem really nice.

Kiara: yes my names Kiara; sir

Principle marks: well nice to meet a student with such approving mannors

He glared at Ashlyn for a second then sent his attention to Mr.Chris

Principal Marks: Chris send these.students to immediate in school at 10:30 no later. Do you understand?

Mr.Chris: yes sir I sure will

Mr.Chris sighed as principal Marks walked out. Mr.Chris looked at Ash, some boy picking his teeth, and a girl fixing her hair.

Ashlyn's POV

I already knew I was going to in school. I mean it was obvious; Mr.Chris looked at me and sighed! I stood up and walked towards the desk.

Ashlyn: it's me isn't it?

Mr.Chris: yeah I'm sorry

Ashlyn: it's cool

He handed me a stack of work, and I went to kiss Kiara.

Ashlyn: I love you. I'll be out soon

Kiara: oh..ok I guess

Ashlyn: what's the matter?

Kiara: I'll tell you later boo. I love you

Mr.Chris: Ashlyn, Nate, Christina go on ahead to in school and don't wonder this time please

They walked out of class, but I stayed a minute longer because I knew it would annoy principal Marks.

-3 minutes later-

Principal marks: where have you been!

Ashlyn: do we have to go through this again?

Principal marks: fine no trouble today got it?

Ashlyn: whatever man

Principal marks: what did you say to me!

I rolled my eyes and walked in the classroom. He walked in after me, so I knew he was going to say something to Mr.Summins.

Principal Marks: if you have any trouble with her send her to me immediately!

Mr.Summins: uh yes sir

Principal Marks left the room, and I sat down a my usual spot. I started my work so time would go by faster.

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