chapter 18

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shelby's POV

Where the flying fuck is Ash. she had took Nick home, and she is still not back. I have literally looked everywhere for her. Ugh I'm too drunk for this. I continued to call her phone until I saw her pull up in the driveway.

Shelby: You had my ass worried sick.

Ashlyn: Sorry. I have to talk to Maria. have you seen her?

Shelby: Last I saw her she was headed upstairs with some guy. I don't advise bardging in.

Ashlyn: Well you come with me. I need someone to talk to damnit.

Ash pulled on my sleeve to follow her, so I went ahead and followed behind.

Kiara's POV

Now I am super scared its been almost 3 hours and shes still not back. I ran into her moms room and woke her up.

Kiara: Do you know where Ashlyn went?

Mom: To her friends. She will be back in the morning.

Kiara: okay thank you

I walked back to our room, and called her.

Ashlyn: Hello

Kiara: Please come home. I can't sleep.

Ashlyn: well..youuu should stoppp beingg a bitchhh.

I felt tears fall from my eyes.

Kiara: well if thats what you want then I will stay out of your life.

Ashlyn: babyy I'm sorryyy

I didn't want to hear another word so I just hung up. I can't believe that she would say that to me. I was still crying and i was starting to get red and my eyes were already puffy. I went to put on a tye dye muscle shirt with melting smiley faces on it, black leggings, black flats, and I grabbed my bookbag. I was walking out of the room to leave and I didn't plan on coming back.

Ashlyn's POV

"Damn I'm an idiot" I kept repeating to myself. I was running to my car when someone stopped me in my tracks.

Nick: I'm sorry!

Ashlyn: What are you talking about?

Nick: the dance. The kiss. I'm sorry okay.

Ashlyn: I have to go.

Nick: Ash please don't shut me out. I am just trying to tell you that I am sorry and I don't want to hurt you.

Ashlyn: I have to go. Please move from in front of my car.

Nick: kiss me then

Ashlyn: your crazy Nick! No!

Nick: then I'm going with you.

Ashlyn: fine whatever.

We got in the car and rushed to my house, so I could find Kiara.

-An hour later-

Ashlyn: mom!

Dad: shes sleeping hunny what's wrong?

Ashlyn: kiara's gone!

Dad: what?

Ashlyn: kiara's gone dad. I have to find her.

Dad: she's fine ashlyn go back to your party.

Ashlyn: no I have to apologize to her I made her cry!

Dad: you have been drinking again ashlyn. Go to shelby's and sleep it off okay. I'm going back to bed goodnight.

God that didn't help at all. I ran out to the car, and found Nick sleep. I do feel bad for being rude to him. I got in the car and continued to look at Nick sleep. I sighed at put my hand on top of his. It was soft like a baby and really warm. I smiled and started to drive again. I knew exactly where to go for some answers. I made my way there, driving as fast as the speed limit would allow me to go.

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