Chapter 16

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Kiara's POV

That girl has been giving Ash looks all night. it's starting to piss me off. Ash has been giving her little cute flirts too.

Kiara: I'm going to the bathroom.

Ashlyn: Huh? Oh okay babe.

kiara: Ugh whatever.

Ashlyn's POV

Kiara went to the bathroom and it seemed like she was mad. I got up to follow her, but Kylie walked over to me.

Kylie: Well...

Ashlyn: Well what?

Kylie: I see you starring at me. I'd at least like to know my stalkers name.

She winked at me and smiled. smiled back.

Ashlyn: Well my name is Ashlyn. Your Kylie.

Kylie: See now I feel a little better about getting stalked.

I saw Kiara walking towards the table, and I sat down. Kylie walked away when she sat down.

Kiara: I want to go home.

Ashlyn: Why?

Kiara: I just do.

I got up and paid for our food. Kiara went to the car and waited for me. Kylie walked over to me as I was walking out the door, and pulled me back in.

Kylie: Look I see she isn't happy and you don't look happy either. I can make you so much more happy. Be with me.

Ashlyn: Don't you dare! Kiara is my life, and I would do anything for her.

I handed her the peice of paper with her number on it. she let a tear out, and handed the note back.

Kylie: Think about it.

I shoved it in my pocket and left. I got to the car, and got in. Kiara didn't say a word to me the whole ride home. I opened the door for Kiara, but still no response. She walked in the house, and went to find my mom.

Kiara: Mrs.Nicholas?

Mom: Yes hunny?

kiara: Can you get me a pillow and blanket?

Mom: of course.

mom went to get her the things, and Kiara sat down with her head in her hands. I knelt in front of her, and grabbed her hands. I looked her in her eyes, and she looked away from me. like she was holding back tears.

Kiara: You are hurting me.

Ashlyn: I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you.

I pulled out the note Kylie gave me, and placed it in kiara's hand. I got up and went to my room. I laid down and started to cry. Man I really fucked up tonight and there isn't anything I can do now. I cried some more until I heard kiara call my name. I walked back into the room and looked at her. She got up and walked towards me. she grabbed my hands. I looked away so she wouldn't see I was crying.

Kiara: I am mad, but I get it. Shes a pretty girl and she likes you.

I looked at Kiara confused. she seemed like she didn't even care about us. I pulled away from her, and I walked to my room. I cried even more then before. she doesnt care. she never listens. Right now I just want to go to bed. I laid down, so I could maybe drift off.

-30 minutes later-

All the sudden I heard my phone go off.

Shelby (T): Hey! meet me at my house in 30 minutes! Hurry ;) love you!

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