chapter 10

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Ashlyn's POV

I pulled into Kimm's driveway. She was standing at the door waiting for me. She was wearing a floral bralet top, a mint green skater skirt, and a cute pair of sandals to match. She was a short girl with blonde hair and the most beautiful blue eyes.

Ashlyn: Hey babygirl!

Kimm: Hey..

Ashlyn: Whats wrong?

Kimm: I'll tell you on the way to the mall
She walked over to the other side of the car and got in. She looked like she had been crying, and she was dressed up. She only dresses up when she is going through a breakup.

Ashlyn: Did Logan break up with you?

There was a long pause as I pulled out of her driveway.

Kimm: Yeah he did. He said that I was an asshole and a liar. I don't even know why though.

Ashlyn: Oh wow. Well screw him he doesn't deserve you.

Kimm smiled and hugged my arm. We comtinued to talk about each other since we haven't spoke in a while. I told her I was dating Kiara, and she seemed happy for me.

Kimm: We're here!

I pulled into a spot, and we went to find the others. We were the last ones to show up surprisingly. We found the girls in Forever 21. It looked like they were having fun. It was nice to hang out with my friends again; I missed them.

Amanda: Ashlyn!

Misty: Guys its Ashlyn!

Maria: We missed you!

All the girls rushed to hug me.

Ashlyn: Guys my ribs. You're killing me; let go haha

They one by one let go of me until it was just Kimm hugging my side. She really was beautiful, but I love Kiara. I shook the thought away, and began to shop with the girls.

Kiara's POV

I was on my way to my therapist when I saw blood in my shirt. I pulled over and looked into the rear veiw mirror. I had yet another nose bleed. I rushed to clean myself up as well as I could. Sighing I pulled back on to the road.

-an hour later-

Secratary: Mrs.Hess will see you now

Kiara: Thanks

I walked into her office, and I sat down.
Mrs.Hess was a young lady, probably in her thirties, but she wasn't married. She lived upstairs from where she worked, I thought that was strange considering she made a decent amount of money. When I first started coming to therapy I was only 89 pounds, and I never ate. Now I'm 130 pound, and I eat when i can. I hardly spoke to anyone, and in a way I still do that but for a different reason.

Mrs.Hess: Hey Kiara, how are you today?

Kiara: I'm fine.. I guess

Mrs.Hess: Guess?

Kiara: Well... before we followed you down here I was doing it... again

Mrs.Hess: Oh... my goodness well how many times? Please tell me it wasn't more then once.

Kiara: No! I mean no ma'am. Only once. It was the stress of coming down here to this new place, and having to start all over.

I lied I had done it twice before we came to North Carolina, and three times when I got here. I found connections pretty fast, and when Ash started talking to me it freaked me out even more. After we got together I stopped, but I guess I'm addicted.

Kiara: I found someone... a girl that makes me want to get over this addiction.

Mrs.Hess: Who might that be?

Kiara: Well her name is Ashlyn, and she's a junior like me.

Mrs.Hess: Let's get off the dreary topic, and talk about this Ashlyn girl. What does she look like, what things does she like, does she treat you right?

Kiara: Um... Shes shorter then me, she has brown eyes and brown hair, and shes really skinny. She likes to watch cartoons, eat cereal, cuddle, and have fun with me and her friends. Yes she does treat me right.

Mrs.Hess: She seems like a very lovely girl. You should bring her around one day so we can meet.

I paused, and thought of what might happen if I did happen to Ash around here. The thought always scares me, but this scared me even more. What If I did bring her around to see my "brother" she would know I lied, and would be furious with me. I tried to
Listen to what mrs.Hess was saying, but I just couldn't. I just pretended to listen to her, but I think deep down she knew I wasn't.

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