chapter 9

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Kiara's POV

Damnit! Ashlyn's definetly going to find out if this doesn't stop. All the sudden I felt sick and I threw up in the bathtub...again. I saw the bedroom light come on, and I got scared.

Ashlyn: Baby?

Kiara: Yeah babe?

Ashlyn: Are you okay in there? you sound like you're getting sick.

Kiara: I'm okay. I promise

Ashlyn: Okay well I'm in here if you need me.

KIara: Okay night love you.

She started to drift off again, and I laid my head on the tub. I started to drift off, but I knew i needed to clean the tub out. I began to look for cleaning supplies, and when I found them under the sink I began to clean the tub as well as I could. After I was done I was exhusted, so I laid down on the bathroom floor and slowly drifted to sleep.

Ashlyn's POV

I woke up and saw that Kiara was still not in the bed, so I decided to get up and see what she was doing. As I was walking I got a strong whiff of bleach in the bathroom, so I rushed in to see if she was okay. I looked around and finally found her on the floor shivering and sleeping.

Ashlyn: Kiara!

Kiara: Huh!

Ashlyn: What were you doing last night? It smells like straight up bleach in here.

Kiara: Um... nothing.

Kiara stood up kissed me, and walked out the room. I went behind her, and continued to ask her why it smelled like bleach.

Ashlyn: Will you please tell me why?

Kiara: I said it was nothing babe. Please just forget it.

Ashlyn: are you drinking it?

Kiara: No! That's not good for you I know that!

Ashlyn: Were you cleaning?

Kiara: Yes!

Ashlyn: Why didn't you just say that in the first place?

Kiara: I don't know!

Kiara opened the door, and walked out the house. She was still in her clothes from last night except her hair was in a ponytail now. She got in her car, and started it up.

Ashlyn: Where are you off to babe?

Kiara: to my brothers for a few hours. It's not far; just up the street from my mom. What are you going to do today?

Ashlyn: I hadn't thought about that. Maybe I'll go to a friends. I love you.

Kiara: I love you too.

Kiara leaned her head out the window, and puckered her lips for a kiss. I leaned down and kissed her.

Ashlyn: Be safe baby. Call me if something goes wrong. I'll be there in a jiffy. I promise.

Kiara: Okay baby. I really have to go. I'll see you later.

Kiara started to pull out the driveway, and I waved at her. I pulled out my phone and realized I was put in a group chat. A few of my friends wanted to hang out today, and go shopping. I messaged the group chat, and told them I would be at Kimm's house in 30 minutes. I ran in the house and stopped in front of mom and dads room.

Ashlyn: Hey dad. Is it cool if i go hang out with Kimm today?

Dad: I guess, but where is your friend?

Ashlyn: She went to her brothers for the day. It's just me today.

Dad: Okay well be safe. Love ya.

Ashlyn: love ya too. I will be dad.

I went to my room and picked out clothes to wear. I grabbed a black muscle shirt that said "Hopes and Dreams", blue skinnies, and a pair of black Vans. I ran out the door to my car, and quickly left the house. Now that i think about it this will be the first time I'm hanging out with my friends since Kiara and I got together. It's going to be nice to get away from it all, and just have a nice time with friends.

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