chapter 8

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Ashlyn's POV

Dinner was amazing. We went to this authentic Italian resturant, and Kiara said she really enjoyed herself. I am so happy she is mine, but I am worried about her and her mom. I hope mom and dad let her stay with us because I never want her going back to her moms.

Kiara: I love you so much. Are you sure you want to ask your mom and dad for this favor?

Ashlyn: Of course I do. Your mom is being so rude to you. I don't want you to be there anymore baby.

After I said that Kiara just was silent. She looked like she was going to cry, and I felt bad.

Ashlyn: Kiara?

Kiara didn't say anything instead she unbuckled herself and slid over to my side of the car. I pulled over so we wouldn't get in an accident, and just hugged her; she started to cry.

Ashlyn: Don't cry baby

Kiara: It's not that Ash.

Ashlyn: what is it then?

Kiara: It's nothing I just want to get back to the house, please.

I really felt bad now, but I didn't want to upset her anymore. she sat back in her seat and buckled up again.

Ashlyn: I love you.

Kiara: love you too Ash.

I began to drive again, and grabbed Kiara's hand. She sqeezed my hand, and before I knew it she was fast alseep. when we got back to the house I got out the car and made my way to her side of the car. I was so tired I almost fell walking over to her.

Ashlyn: Kiara? Please get up.

She didnt, so I lifted her up and carried her into my room.

Kiara: where are we?

Ashlyn: we're home go back to bed.

she started to snore again, so I went to go find mom and tell her about the date.

Mom: Hey hunny. How was the date?

Ashlyn: It went well mom thanks for asking, but i need to talk to you.

Mom: What is it?

Ashlyn: Well Kiara's mom kicked her out. She really needs a place to stay.

Mom: Ash. I don't know. We already barely have enough to care for us.

Ashlyn: Mom please I really like this girl, and I don't want her going back to her moms. She doesn't treat Kiara right!

Mom sighed and looked me in the eyes.

Mom: Do not get her in trouble, both of you keep your grades up, and don't fight in this house and she can stay here. Got it?

Ashlyn: Yes! Thank you mom. I love you!

Mom: I love you too. Now go get some sleep.

I ran to the room, and laid down. i noticed that my bathroom light was on and Kiara wasn't in the bed. I didn't think anything of it so I turned over and drifted to sleep

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