Chapter 11

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Ashlyn's POV

-An hour later-

We had just got out of Rue21, and now we were going to sit ate the food court. Most of the girls had left, so now it was just Heather, Kimm, Shelby, and I. Heather was a Canadian girl that moved down here like three years ago. She has Brown hair, Green eyes, shes way taller than me, and she is super shy. She was wearing a cream colored tank top, blue jean shorts, and clear sparkly flip flops. Shelby has been my friend since pre-K. There was a time where we didn't speak to each other for a whole three months; that sucked so much. Shelby has red hair and the deepest brown eyes ever, like they look black almost. She is the same height as me, and she is not afraid to speak her mind. Today she was wearing a black tank top with a skull on it, pink shorts, a necklace with skull hands on it, and all black Vans.

Ashlyn: Guys I had a lot of fun! We need to hang out more. I miss you all.

Heather: Yes! Ash ever since that girl came into the picture it seemed like you forgot us, but your here now and that's all that matters.

Kimm: Foreal girl. I missed getting your good morning texts

Ashlyn: I know guys..wait I haven't heard a word outta Shelby yet! where'd she go?

Shelby: I was getting food! What are we talking about Shelby for?

Kimm: No we were saying how Ash has that girl up her butt 24/7 now, and that she never talks to us.

Shelby: Oh hell yes. Preach Kimm, Preach. She seems shady Ash. I don't like her.

Ashlyn: You just have to get to know her.

Shelby: Girl he never speaks.. like ever.
Ashlyn: I know,but she is really sweet once you get to know her.

Kimm: Didn't you say in the car that you woke up and she was just... "cleaning"?
Ashlyn: Yeah...I did

Heather: Wait you just woke and she was cleaning!

Ashlyn: Yeah. In the bathroom.

Shelby: Creeper.

We all sat there in silence, and it was really awkward. I decided to text Kiara, and see what she was up to.

Ashlyn(T): Hey baby!

Kiara(T): Hey babe. Can't talk right now. busy. love you, bye.

I sighed and put my phone away. All the girls were staring at me, and it made me feel awkward.

Ashlyn: Um... guys?

Kimm: I've been talking to you Ash.. like for the past 5 minutes.

Ashlyn: I'm so sorry! What's up?

Kimm: I'm ready to go home.

Ashlyn: Oh okay. Well lets go girly.

We got up to leave, and said out goodbyes to one another. As Kimm and I were walking to the car I couldn't stop staring at her. I mean she was gorgeous and just so sweet to everyone. We got in the car and headed to my house to hang out for a little longer since we haven't been together in so long.

-An hour later-

Ashlyn: Kimm maybe you can get to know Kiara now haha

Kimm just gave me a mad face and walked away. I was so confused, so I followed her and asked her what was wrong. She didn't say anything back, so I sighed and began to walk away.

Kimm: Wait!

I turned around, and before I knew it she was linked on to me like a monkey. I just looked at her and she looked back at me. I just couldn't take my eyes off hers. She got off of me and smiled. I was curious as to why she smiled at me, but I decided to just leave it alone for now. We sat down and started to watch TV.

Kiara's POV

I was on my way home when I got a major headache. I stopped at the store to get some medicine to ease my pain, and called Ashlyn to see what she was doing:

Ashlyn: Hello?

Kiara: Hey baby! I'm on my way home, and we can cuddle and watch movies! sound like a plan?

Ashlyn: Um.. yeah sounds great I just have to drop a friend off first okay?

Kiara: Okay. Well I am on my way now, so I guess get ready and I'll be there in a jiff. Love you!

Ashlyn: I love you too.

I hung up the phone, and headed to the house. I was actually excited to get back to Ash. I have had such a long day with Mrs.Hess, and all I wanted was my girl.

-30 minutes later-

I pulled up to Ash's house and quickly got out, so I could kiss her. She hugged me, and kissed me all over my face.

Kiara: Baby! Stop! It tickles! Oh my god!

I heard a unfamiliar laugh and I looked behind Ash to see a blonde haired blued eyed girl standing behind us.

Ashlyn: Oh! Baby this is Kimm. One of my best friends. We went shopping today and I got you some things I think your really going to like them!

Kimm: Hey Kiara. Nice to meet you!

Kiara: Hey kimm. It's nice to meet you too.

Ashlyn: Good! Now that everybody knows everybody let's drop Kimm off at her house, and make our way back babygirl.

Ashlyn grabbed my hand, and she walked me to me side of the car. She opened my door. I kissed her as a thank you, and we all got in the car.

-an hour later-

We finally were home, and I could sit down and hang out with my baby for the rest of the day. I sat down and realized I had yet another headache, and that I was exhausted. Ashlyn came into the living room where I was sitting and sat next to me. I laid my head down on her shoulder and slowly drifted to sleep.

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