Chapter 17

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Kiara's POV

"I'm going...out" the words scared me, but I was determined to stay mad. I slept on the couch for gods sake. Ashlyn is going to come home any minute, and try to kiss me and love on me. well it's not going to happen! I sat there waiting for almost 20 minutes before I realized she hadn't come back to kiss and love me. I grabbed my blanket and started to walk upstairs to lay down and wait for Ash.

Ashlyn's POV

The party was raving when we got there. they're were people on the roof already. I quickly got out the car so me and the girls could figure out if we were going home.

Ashlyn: Nala! Maria!

Maria grabbed Nala's arm and whipped her around to face me.

Maria: What?

Ashlyn: Are we going home?

Nala: Party til you drop!

I shrugged my shoulders and ran to catch up. Shelby was no where to be found, and by the looks of it neither were her parents. I quickly sent her a text asking where she was but as I looked up I saw shelby was taking shots in the kitchen.

Ashlyn: Shelby!

Shelby: Bitch where have you been I thought you would never show. where's your little pest?

Ashlyn: She's at home being the bitch.

Shelby: well here is your shot drink up!

I downed the shot no problem and realized that my favorite song was on. I quickly ran out to where most of the action was, and started to dance to it. The song soon changed and You know you like it by Dj Snake came on. this girl with dark dreadlocks spotted me and walked over to me. she started to move at my pace and got behind me. I started to grind on her, and I felt her hands rubbing all over me. the song soon ended, but I wasn't done with her. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the kitchen. I poured two shots and sat one in front of her.

Ashlyn: Alright. I'm Ashlyn. You are?

Alani: I'm Alani.

she picked up the shot, and downed it fast. I smiled at her, and did the same.

Ashlyn: So tell me about yourself.

Alani: Well I am 19, and Shelby works with me at Joe's crab shack.

Ashlyn: Well thats exciting.

Alani: Right. Yanno I don't really enjoy huge parties like this, but if it means I get to meet girls like you I'm all for it.

Ashlyn: Well damn aren't you sweet.

Alani: We should hang out more.

Ashlyn: Definitely.

I exchanged numbers with Alani, and we kept talking. She is a really sweet girl. Nick walked into where I was, and looked at me.

Nick: Can you take me home.

Ashlyn: Why?

Nick: I don't want to be here anymore. The only reason I came was because Jax made me.

Ashlyn: Yeah let me find my keys.

Nick looked like he had been crying, so I decided to just talk to him instead of taking him home. we walked outside and I grabbed his hand.

Ashlyn: Nick...

Nick: Okay you want to know why I want to go home. Because I love you Ashlyn Nicolas.

I just looked at him. I mean I used to have a crush on him just like he does right now. He crushed me in 5th grade. He walked closer to me, and leaned down. I looked at him shocked, and slowly started to drift away into his baby blue eyes. I soon realized that we were slow dacing and my head was laid on his chest. I don't know whats going on with me. I mean all this time I thought I was a lesbian. but im sitting here dancing with Nick Parter, a guy I vowed to never like again. Nick leaned in and suddenly kissed me. I backed away from Nick.

Ashlyn: You wanted to go home. lets go.

He just frowned and walked slowly to the car. I got in, started the car, and started to head to Nicks house. I can't believe that just happened. I should now have came tonight. this was the worst mistake ever. I am not even sure I'm lesbian, and now I'm taking the boy that kissed me not even 5 minutes ago home. I drove 10 more minutes and then pulled into his driveway.

Nick: Look Im sorry about tonight. It was a drunken mistake.

Ashlyn: Just please get out.

He got out and went into his house. I backed out the driveway and started to drive back to Shelbys

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