chapter 1

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Ashlyn's POV

she pushed me onto the bed I could feel my blood rushing and...well excuse me I guess I should begin by telling you my name and a little about myself. I'm Ashlyn. I am 17 years old and, I love sports, food, Tumblr, and I am..."gay". I know everyone says it's a "phase" but I think WAY different.

So I guess that it would be better to tell the story from the beginning.

I was sitting in class and as usual it was boring. I looked around and noticed a new girl in the class. She looked taller then me, she wore those really nerdy glasses, she was wearing a long "hippie" skirt and a 'The Beatles' shirt on, her hair on the other hand was not anything normal. It was like a pastel blue color in the bangs and the rest was black.

After class I decided to talk to her and get to know her.

Me: hold on! hey wait with the blue hair!

she just turned around to see who was calling out but she soon looked away. I ran faster and caught up to her.

Me: hey! you didn't stop why?

Her: I didn't hear you sorry...what do you want anyways?

she was very rude and she lied to me. I was very unsure if I wanted to be her friend or not but, I continued to talk to her.

Me: I wanted to get to know you and be friends

Her: really now haha yeah in your dreams

Me: whats that supposed to mean?

Her: nothing

I was not about to be shut down that fast by her so I quickly wrote down my number and handed it to her.

Me: here take this, and if you change your mind call me sometime

Her:  yeah; alright maybe

As I began walking away she shouted out.

Her: my name is kiara

(I'm going to change "her" to "kiara" now)

Me: good to know kiara

I winked to her and parted ways with her to get to my next class

-4 hours later-

"Kiara" her name was beautiful. She looked one of those girls that would never be into me. Wait! What am I saying. I don't even know if she was gay or not. Just as I got out of my thoughts my phone vibrated.

Kiara(T): hey um is this...the girl from class

Me: my name is Ashlyn, and yes it is

Soon after my phone rang, and to my surprise it was Kiara.

Me: hey what's up

Kiara: hi..I just wanted to say sorry about this morning its not like me to be rude.

Me: its cool I just wanted to meet a new friend is all. You seemed cool and all so I thought why not you.

Kiara: oh well why me just wondering?

There was a short pause because I didn't want to say something stupid.

Me: well you just seemed cool like I said and you are really pretty. I don't know haha your blue hair kind of caught my eye too.

It seemed like she was smiling, but I couldn't tell, and I wasn't going to make it weird by asking.

Me: Well I'll see you tomorrow?

Kiara: of course haha

We both said goodnight and hung up the phone. I don't know how to feel about kiara; she is really nice and cute, but she is sketchy. I guess I'll think about it tomorrow.

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